Example sentences of "[be] [adj] i have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 WILLIAMS : I am sorry I have incurred your displeasure and the more as I have been told by Lady Jones that you had a more honourable view than at first was apprehended .
2 ‘ I am afraid I 've kept you too long and tired you .
3 ‘ I know you wanted to speak to Rhoda Brocklebank but I am afraid I 've jumped the gun .
4 ‘ I am afraid I have come to the conclusion , reluctantly , that the different people and races of the world were never intended to meet .
5 Yes you 're right I 'd forgotten that boat trip .
6 I mean when they 're full I 've noticed when , we they were standing in the gangway .
7 ‘ I am glad I have made someone happy .
8 ‘ Having said that , though , I am sure I 've got the ability to do something and I shall be aiming for a points finish at least . ’
9 The Australian kookaburra has a very distinctive call , which I am sure I have heard on the soundtracks of films from other locations in Africa , South America or the Florida Everglades .
10 ‘ I should be grateful I 've found her , ’ she whispered .
11 So we accept that Thank you very much and I 'm grateful to you , I 'm sorry I 've gone but it was that general question rightly raised by
12 ‘ I 'm sorry I 've worried you , ’ I said .
13 I 'm sorry I 've lost me agendle now .
14 If Spare Rib will address ( I 'm sorry I 've missed any previous relevant articles ) these issues can I join the Sisterhood ?
15 I 'm sorry I 've missed that .
16 Compare : ‘ I 'm sorry I 've run over your dog .
17 Oh I 'm sorry I 've got beef .
18 I 'm sorry I 've got to go to work .
19 I 'm sorry I 've got the telephone number now and it 's in my mind to do it .
20 I 'm sorry I 've wasted your time .
21 I 'm sorry I 've hurt you , truly I am .
22 It 's er if they come back and they say I 'm sorry I 'd gone
23 He told enough boring stories about them and ended each office day with : ‘ I must go or my children will be afraid I 've got lost . ’
24 ‘ I 'm sorry sir , but I 'm afraid I 've scratched your car a bit ! ’
25 I 'm afraid I 've lost a few friends and challenged a few others .
26 ‘ I 'm afraid I 've plunged you in at the deep end .
27 They stopped at the corner and Chris said anxiously , ‘ I 'm afraid I 've said all the wrong things , seemed to dwell on my side of things .
28 ‘ I 'm afraid I 've gone on a bit , My Lord Chairman , ’ he said apologetically .
29 But I say to him , very nicely , because I very seldom have the courage to be rude , ‘ I 'm afraid I 've gone to bed . ’
30 ‘ I 'm afraid I 've taken up a good deal of your time for no purpose Mr. Preston .
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