Example sentences of "[be] [adj] i [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I am sorry I have not been up to see you but , as you know , I have no job and therefore no income and no car , so life is both difficult and cold ( as I can not keep the heating on at home all day ) .
2 ‘ I am afraid I do n't understand , ’ George Dougal sounded puzzled .
3 ‘ What star is that ? ’ 'I am afraid I do n't remember , ’ she said coldly .
4 I am afraid I do n't keep brandy . ’
5 I am afraid I do n't know his second name , but I have been his friend since he was a boy .
6 ‘ I am afraid I do not understand , sir , ’ Morton said , straight-faced .
7 JEWKES : [ to PAMELA ] Give me leave , madam , to wish you all manner of happiness but I am afraid I have too well obeyed his honour to be forgiven by you .
8 I am sad I do n't have the time to form a working relationship with him . ’
9 " It was n't exactly a question and now I know what you 're like I do n't think I can — "
10 Mm there 's the Bare Naked Ladies er they come from Canada they are a brilliant group I think they 're brilliant I do n't care I like them and that 's called er Be My Yoko Ono I was going to go from the Bare Naked Ladies it was all planned I was going to go and say Mary Whitehouse how are you today and she was there er un unfortunately we 've we called this is serious .
11 No ? changed brands of coffee or something they 're horrible I do n't know what she 's doing different alright lovey , okay shush shush shush shush showing her little heart out is n't she ?
12 The judge , struggling to contain his anger , said : ‘ You are lucky I do not deal with this as a contempt of court . ’
13 I am glad I do n't have to work door-to-door .
14 Well I I would have said on the phone that under normal circumstances if you 're salaried or have been salaried I do n't talk people into this unless they 're a certain age .
15 I believe she has written other books , you know , though I am sure I do n't know what they are … . ’
16 I am sure I do not need to remind you that it is through incidents of this kind that Summerhill is judged and these thoughtless individuals have caused me considerable embarrassment .
17 A gentleman may be defined as someone who never inflicts pain unintentionally , and where women are concerned I 've always prided myself on being a perfect gent .
18 Erm the on the only bit of information I got down there is as far as the maximum limits are concerned I do n't think it 's a government I think it 's an insurance company agreement actually of seventy
19 Er and Holdings I 'm sorry I know very little about .
20 Why do c , I 'm sorry I 've just remembered something I have n't covered , okay .
21 Well , you do n't wan na worry about them because at the end of the day , I mean if if that was absolutely desperate I shall turn round and say well I 'm sorry I 've bloody got to and that 's it !
22 I 'm sorry I 've actually asked that question and while we 're discussing it , unfortunately we can not do so , as soon as I actually get a figure and I 'm quite prepared to release it to you .
23 I 'm sorry I have n't called , but I did try …
24 I 'm sorry I have n't written since then , but I 've felt very confused about some things that happened with us and you did n't seem to want to say any more .
26 Okay I 'm sorry I have n't had level three supervision groups before so this is a whole new experience for me
27 Now I 'm sorry I have n't brought an acetate .
28 I 'm sorry I have n't got one with me .
29 yes okay replied to various of your constituents and have conducted a robust discussion on this matter with councillor Jane and recorded in the the Cambridge evening news , I 'm sorry I have n't replied , right .
30 I 've got a red and a blue , I 'm sorry I have n't got yellow and green
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