Example sentences of "[be] [adj] and [verb] no " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Many are unemployed and receive no work stimulation .
2 The two circuits are self-contained and lose no water other than by leaks and evaporation , so no scaling occurs after the initial heating of the water .
3 These links are moral and involve no subordination .
4 Alan had seemed impressed when he made the arrangements that the crematorium officials had been helpful and raised no objections to the DIY aspect of our undertaking , though on the whole preferring a coffin to a cardboard carton or a plastic bag .
5 In the capitalist mode of production , however , the workers are landless and have no independent means of subsistence .
6 We are well and have no worries being happy together and not in need William leaving me better provided for than ever I had expected .
7 These have many storeys , are unbuttressed and have no batter .
8 There are , as Mr Moynihan points out , only seven countries in the world that can claim both to be homogeneous and to have no border problems .
9 It was decided that , in order to make the unit a worthwhile compromise to fitting a complete theft alarm , it must be independent and require no connection to the vehicle .
10 The model therefore implies that the deviations of output from its natural rate should also be unpredictable and exhibit no pattern .
11 Thus the fee note should definitely exclude the supplier 's VAT registration number and not show any amount as VAT , ie the invoiced amounts should be VAT-inclusive and make no reference to VAT other than stating ‘ This is not a tax invoice ’ .
12 To be alone is one thing , but to be alone and to have no means at all of shattering the shell of silence around you to summon the comforting sound of a human voice is quite another .
13 It stipulates that the dead must be dressed in biodegradable clothes , and that coffins must be unvarnished and contain no plastic or PVC .
14 And if the infrastructure of schools , health centres , roads and irrigation is to be created , governments will often need to borrow ; such investments are long-term and yield no direct cash returns , so private lenders are unlikely to be keen .
15 Many of the gloating obituaries were graceless and did no one any credit .
16 There was n't a murmur of disapproval from the drug testers — all the ingredients were natural and contained no chemical stimulants .
17 Medical personnel were unprepared and had no treatment to deal with the bleeding and consequently many people died ’ .
18 Agreements not infrequently will provide that the mere fact of the presentation of a petition for a bankruptcy order by a creditor , or a partner applying for an interim order under s253 of the Insolvency Act 1986 , or a partner entering into a compromise for the benefit of his creditors generally , or even the circumstance of a partner being unable and having no reasonable prospect of being able to pay his debts , should make the power exercisable .
19 These include remains from beneath an osprey 's nest in Sweden , where the pellets were small and contained no bone but the ground was littered with the defleshed remains of many fish .
20 Most of today 's moneyed people were jumped-up and took no interest in the old way of life .
21 ( Of course we understood none of this really , we just thought she was fabulous ; when she left us , simply left us , taking only the jewels , we were terrified and had no idea of how to keep things going .
22 In September 1987 he was asked by an acquaintance called Jit Ballay to supply goods from the shop and to accept payment by two stolen building society cheques , one for £7,950 and the other for £9,250 , which were undated and bore no payee 's name .
23 To argue that it is computer-generated and has no human author runs counter to common sense .
24 History here is self-evident and needs no elaboration .
25 The pen , which is cordless and has no batteries , looks and feels like an ordinary pen .
26 Yet again , the idea is that once created the watch is self-sufficient and requires no further help from its divine craftsperson .
27 In the perspective of this book , the contrast with traditional dialectological method , and with data-gathering in orthodox historical linguistics , is clear and requires no further comment .
28 For example , you may be able to obtain a grant to insulate your loft if your house is old and has no insulation at all ; or to replace your roof , or install proper plumbing and bathrooms , if your house is over 100 years old .
29 To suggest that the board was cowering timorously before the Government is ludicrous and pays no tribute or attention to its good work and to the robust way in which it represents its interests and those of the industry .
30 I 'm sure I could find him now , but I have made a vow that I am not going to tell anyone where he is , for the man is innocent and has no hope of proving that at the moment .
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