Example sentences of "[be] [adj] of some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In that process , it may well be that some of those concerned in the management of the company , and others as well , have been guilty of some misconduct or impropriety which is of relevance to the liquidation .
2 Now that was certainly the views of the President of the Board of Trade before er he er returned to the cabinet er at another time and I 'm not sure if he 's departed from these views but I think they 're worthy of some weight .
3 The last view is suggested by his claims that we are conscious of some memories ( those brought to INTROSPECTION in the ‘ control box ’ for example ) and some of the commands to say things ( as in deliberately saying something , as distinct from finding ourselves saying it ) , which would be messages from the ‘ control box ’ to PR ( the ‘ public relations box ’ , by analogy with the White House public relations chief , who is simply handed a piece of paper telling him what to say , but not to think about ) .
4 Respondents are selected according to some sampling procedure to be representative of some group , collectivity , attribute or process .
5 do n't be afraid of some exercises in translation , to and from the target language .
6 Patients may be unaware of some hazards ( e.g. the possibility of developing deep vein thrombosis ) and the nurse must therefore explain both the hazards and the preventive actions which can be taken .
7 Likewise , the floating vote might be indicative of some electors making up their own minds on the issues of the day ; it might equally reflect pressure brought to bear " from above " , perhaps by those attached to the Court who wanted a change in the complexion of the House of Commons , to " persuade " those electors to change their allegiances .
8 One can not be critical in the abstract : one has to be critical of some thing , And the act of criticism takes place in the context of standards .
9 Assassins were proofed against pain , but surely Meh'Lindi must be aware of some agonies as her body strained to adopt a new shape in obedience to her will .
10 It is encouraging that the primary visual areas of both rats and monkeys receive input from the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus but we should be aware of some circularity here since one of the criteria used for saying that the lateral geniculate nuclei in the two groups are homologous is that they both project to primary visual cortex !
11 It might be true of some forms of knowledge , but it is absolutely false in terms of experience .
12 He really said it all to me in a comment some years ago : ‘ The ICM must become the accepted mirror of the credit scene , and we must be wary of some things which can break the reflection . ’
13 Although both Romaine and Knowles are critical of some aspects of Labov 's method , there is an important difference in their underlying goals and assumptions .
14 Many people believe that cats are capable of some kind of extra-sensory perception , but they are not .
15 Its characteristics are remarkably consistent considering the wide cultural span , and are suggestive of some reality behind the accounts found in ancient philosophy , esoteric writings and the work of researchers into the unorthodox .
16 But then , if a lot of rabbits were afraid of some newcomers and wanted to deceive them — get them down a hole and attack them — they 'd start — would n't they ? — by sending someone who was plausible .
17 Higher earnings and increased opportunities for earning by women and children were characteristic of some regions .
18 Some chairmen of select committees were critical of some aspects of their coverage , mainly because they would like to be covered even more , but most chairmen expressed their satisfaction with the way in which the work of select committees had been portrayed on television during the experiment .
19 But my right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State for Education and Science and I were aware of some uncertainty about the place of adults within the new policy framework and the arrangements that would apply to them .
20 Although such a view is typical of some Opposition attitudes , it will never be accepted by Conservative Members .
21 An additional factor is that in speaking English we vary in how rhythmically we speak : sometimes we speak very rhythmically ( this is typical of some styles of public speaking ) while at other times we speak arhythmically ( that is , without rhythm ) — for example , when we are hesitant or nervous .
22 This sort of speed is typical of some score layers of neurones .
23 Thus perhaps the fact that a number of legal cases have been brought is indicative of some parents ' resistance to the subservient , rather than partnership , role which some say they are forced to assume by the Act ( regardless of exhortations to LEAs to extend parental involvement ) .
24 Other notable motifs are the single buds which occupy two of the supporting triangles ( the style of these is reminiscent of some leaves of the floral scroll of the Kingscote mosaic : pI .
25 Although no specific histological picture could be shown in the duodenal mucosa of NSAID patients , the relative lack of heavy neutrophilic and plasma cell infiltration in the duodenum is reminiscent of some aspects of chemical gastritis .
26 Let the relief workers get to real human needs , but let the wider governmental administrations not forget that aviation heritage at large is deserving of some help and understanding amid the ruins of Tamiami .
27 Perhaps this is true of some farmers , but it certainly could n't be said of Small 's enterprise .
28 Be wary of some people in high places whose duties involved them in prolific correspondence .
29 She is frightened of some noises — like the vacuum cleaner — but does n't bother at all when I use the lawnmower or hedge-cutter .
30 Editor , — Chris Ham states that ‘ The introduction of contracts has helped to enhance the accountability of providers to purchasers , ’ but from our own research we are aware of some purchasing organisations that have failed to exercise any control over the financial and strategic operations of providers ( presented to the Health Economics Studies Group , York , 1993 ) .
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