Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [that] i had " in BNC.

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1 I am sorry that I had to deceive you just now ; I am from the Military Police Special Investigation Branch . ’
2 He said that this would be unnecessary and I got the distinct impression that I should not ask any more questions about it but be content that I had got my letter back .
3 I could only be glad that I had never spoken of my plan to Joe , when he was looking after me .
4 But when you hear some of the songs , you must think , ‘ That really worked ; yes I 'm glad that I had that bit of inspiration there ’ ?
5 Although I did what I could to try to conceive a girl , I could n't be sure that I had .
6 After the first week I came to the reluctant conclusion that Charlie Trumper was n't going to be pleased that I had sacrificed ten pounds of our money — six of his and four of mine — just to appease my female vanity .
7 In the end I pretended to be worried that I had left my bicycle lamp on and dashed outside to relieve myself in a flower-bed .
8 Friends who were not knitters had been amazed that I had never met any of the people that I would be staying with .
9 From a letter to my mother dated 2 May , which has escaped destruction , it is clear that I had just written to Eliot explaining that I realized the undesirability of publication , unless indeed Rowse himself were prepared to give it his endorsement .
10 ‘ It 's true that I had the opportunity to be alone in the office , and we both know that I was angry and said a lot of things in the heat of the moment … but would I really be this vindictive ? ’
11 I discussed my feelings with the woman in question and I slept with her , but I deeply regretted it later on and was sorry that I had n't weighed up the consequences more thoroughly beforehand .
12 Then , I believe , she was grateful that I had no prior distractions in my life .
13 It was fortunate that I had a good friend of my own age , also called Wanda : we relished being gloomy together .
14 It was fortunate that I had a little time to accustom myself to being in such a place and to the thought of seeing my father .
15 I was glad that I had learned to breath properly and relax .
16 He was just checking that I had n't left for good , was glad that I had n't , and was that real coffee he could smell ?
17 Given that they had the ‘ weather works ’ that day in the shape of sleet , hail , wind and rain , whilst simultaneously a view of quite a lot of snow on Vesuvius , I was glad that I had stayed at home with a good book .
18 I was glad that I had not attempted to plan the whole programme in advance , as the Workshop developed under its own momentum , using and Communicative Grammar of English as a text and ground-plan .
19 I experienced a moment of complete terror in which my mind raced — I had been discovered after all ; it was obvious that I had a limp ; everyone could see it ; they 'd seen it all along and had chosen this moment to hit me with it , my weakest moment …
20 For example , some people are uncooperative — one specialist in community health refused to be interviewed because , I later discovered , she was angry that I had not gone to interview her first — whilst others are sometimes over-cooperative , extending one-hour interviews to three hours !
21 In spite of the rain 's best efforts , I was pleased that I had been able to observe and film interesting mink behaviour .
22 I was happy because I was now ‘ on the inside ’ , doing war-work and feeling , for the first time , that we were really a partnership ; and I was proud that I had grown more confident , and mature enough to take Leslie as he was , and no longer demanded — as he had once said that I did — that he be the White Knight .
23 I was pleased with this reflection , and so convoluted is the human mind that I ceased to take pride in my lack of pride and was proud that I had found myself capable of it .
24 So , Paul was worried that I had n't put it in straight were n't you Paul ?
25 It was dark , I could n't make out their features , but I was terrified that I had jumped from the pot into the flames .
26 It was true that I had n't been to see Jeeta or Anwar for a long time , what with the moving and my depression and everything , and wanting to start a new life in London and know the city .
27 It was true that I had given him life but I had not given him love .
28 Largely forgotten until recently , Watson 's fine sun-dappled landscapes had elegant figure studies have begun to reappear in London galleries , including Richard Green , and Blamey was surprised that I had heard of him .
29 I was surprised that I had made it this far .
30 He was aware that I had disliked him the day before and seemed anxious to make me change my opinion .
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