Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 State organizations are responsive to and controlled by legitimately elected elites .
2 Make a note of the job number that you are interested in and take it along to the clerk at the desk .
3 It is only car cases of the larger mammals that kites are interested in and help to remove .
4 ‘ Counter cultures ’ are groups of people within society whose values and norms are different from and go against those held in the wider society .
5 There 's no fee involved , it 's a completely free service , all I 'm here to really do today is to have a chat with you , find out what you 're interested in and see if we can situation , is that alright ?
6 My company provides a sales and marketing function for all kinds of firms who prefer to concentrate on what they 're good at and leave the selling of it to us .
7 and erm oh calcium hydroxide is perhaps a more interesting one but you pick one of them that you 're happy with and take it through here so what would happen with let's see I mean you would n't actually drip sodium an acid onto sodium if you 've got any sense .
8 If there is no such authority , " to the extent that the rules … are inconsistent with and do not comply with the general law , then they would obviously be improper " .
9 Most doctors today recommend that women continue to do whatever form of exercise they are accustomed to and cover themselves medicolegally .
10 Meanwhile if anyone can send me a set of rules for fantasy games they are involved in or know about , I will take them into consideration .
11 I am conscious of the time , so I say only that it will be a sad day if the Government are allowed to change the legislation , not only for the miners and their communities or for those who , directly or indirectly , are involved in or seek employment in the industry , but for the whole of society .
12 From time to time , unimportant bits of orchestration are spotlit as if to fill the half-bar between phrases ( sample the harp arpeggio at 3′33″ ) .
13 The shots were going to look terrific , but this was ridiculous — the very thing I had been cynical about and did not wish to do I was doing ; carrying a bike both up and down a mountain .
14 you encounter someone who is good at something you are poor at but aspire to ( ie flirting , dancing , doing crossword puzzles , playing a musical instrument , telling jokes , playing sports , doing the Rubik cube in 38 seconds )
15 Some people take furniture to her that they do n't like or are tired of and want transformed into a work of art ; she optimistically feels that no piece of furniture is totally without hope .
16 Look back now at what you enjoy and what you are good at and complete the following table , picking out the interests and abilities you have chosen as being the most important to you .
17 Also , by looking at the activities you are good at and enjoy you may well discover talents and abilities which you have not considered before as being useful in a job .
18 Please try to fill in this form for all titles you are responsible for and use this as an exercise to test its viability before we have Phil do something more elegant .
19 The fiction is that those state agencies are able to and do exert democratic influences ; or at least , they impose a measure of accountability to the public .
20 This is what they wanted and I undertook to do it and I tell you , all me life I 've been able to and have done that .
21 It does not matter how silly you may think they are , if it 's something you are unsure about or have wondered why , please let us help .
22 We have much to be grateful for and to remember him by .
23 For the question whether a property is present here can never be different from or lie beyond the question whether we have the best possible evidence that it is present .
24 Again , mathematicians are notoriously not all competent accountants ; physicists may not be interested in or fitted for involvement in industrial processes — they may not even be able to change a light bulb .
25 Underlying the suffrage struggle was a set of attitudes which dictated that women 's natural sphere was the home , that their full development came only with motherhood and that a ‘ womanly woman ’ would not be interested in or want the vote .
26 I think of my role as trying to guide them with the interface of the business side , the bits that they might not be interested in or do n't want to be involved in .
27 ( 4 ) An alternate Director shall be entitled to contact and be interested in and benefit from contracts or arrangements and to be repaid expenses and to be indemnified to the same extent mutatis mutandis as if he were a Director [ but he shall not be entitled to receive any remuneration from the Company in respect of his appointment as alternate Director ] .
28 ( 4 ) An alternate Director shall be entitled to contact and be interested in and benefit from contracts or arrangements and to be repaid expenses and to be indemnified to the same extent mutatis mutandis as if he were a Director [ but he shall not be entitled to receive any remuneration from the Company in respect of his appointment as alternate Director ] .
29 Link the information systems plan to the corporate plan : provide an ‘ optimal project mix ’ which will be consistent with and link to the corporate plan , ideally over the same time period .
30 Model styles can vary considerably , but there are certain general points to be conscious of when constructing them , ie :
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