Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [conj] [vb past] they " in BNC.

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1 Yesterday I said that to you , cos I says oh who 's been good and filled them
2 The high court decision , announced at the end of December in that year , found on behalf of SPUC and declared such counselling by the Dublin Well Woman Centre and the Open Line counselling service to be illegal and ordered them to cease their public information service on the issue by 12 January 1987 .
3 Indeed , too overt an attempt to so could well be counterproductive and lay them open to the charge of meddling .
4 But when researchers cut sections of these rings , ground them down into slices so thin that they were translucent and examined them through the microscope , they found , preserved in the chert , the shapes of simple organisms , each no more than one or two hundredths of a millimetre across .
5 She was getting better at knowing what to do when people were sick and asked them how it had happened .
6 Molly congratulated the 16 successful candidates at this year 's examination , presented certificates to those who were present and welcomed them to their first training day as qualified teachers .
7 The Home Secretary , shortly afterwards accepted that the " Guildford 4 " were innocent and released them , but the IBA still refused to allow the record to be played on radio or television .
8 Even the perfectionists were impressed and admitted they came away with their tails between their legs having learnt a great lesson about false pride .
9 ‘ They were fantastic and said they understood .
10 They declared that she was insatiable and begged them all to participate .
11 ‘ The prison staff said that was OK but said they would have to tie back the cell doors .
12 The Headmaster was furious and demanded they start the expedition to catch the Bookman immediately .
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