Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [conj] [v-ing] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Several aspects of the social circumstances of older people are important when discussing their ability to pay for the care they require .
2 ‘ Just I know you 've been busy and enjoying your friends .
3 ‘ The factory seems currently to be booming and increasing its market share , ’ he said .
4 Similarly , the inventor must be careful when discussing his invention with potential manufacturers and the like and the law of confidence is very important at this stage .
5 In other words , in the circumstances of the present case the wishes and feelings of W. , considered in the light of her age and understanding , are the first of the factors to which the court must have regard , but the court must have regard also to such of the other factors as may be relevant when discharging its overall responsibility for W. 's welfare .
6 Be sure never to rush them , but feel how they are toning and stretching your muscles as never before .
7 Does being brave mean being strong or overcoming our fears ?
8 And it was of no help to the Scottish Protestants that on 8 August , in the instructions given to that experienced diplomat of the 1540s , Sir Ralph Sadler , now sent north to make a comeback in the Scottish political scene , the English were encouraging the idea of being anti-French and anticipating their outspoken memorandum of the 31st by warbling about the need for government by someone of the blood of Scotland .
9 And why did Rose seem to sag wearily , as though it were tired and feeling its age ?
10 One of the troubles about Hollywood , everybody 's so busy being exclusive and hiding their homes behind mountains of greenstuff , they forget about the unfortunate people who have to locate the said homes sometimes .
11 She said how glad she was they had somewhere nice to stay and that she hoped they were being good and making their beds and helping with the washing up and remembering to clean their teeth .
12 The same group placed much more emphasis on their children being happy and enjoying their lessons than they did on examination results .
13 It may mean being courageous and seeing your doctor about that lump , this discharge , that very private symptom — but do it !
14 ‘ Trouble ’ being dirtying or tearing his best clothes , or kicking the soles off his school shoes in the field on the way home .
15 There is more to being green than recycling your newspapers and using unleaded petrol .
16 Basically , my mother did n't know how to show me and my two sisters love and she was immensely critical of us , telling us we were ugly and undermining our self-esteem .
17 ‘ I suppose we just took it that he would , and were n't surprised that he made a pretence of being unconcerned and going his own way about it .
18 In any case , most games were taboo whilst wearing your Sunday clothes .
19 He would get to know the cook and ingratiate himself by being agreeable and doing her favours .
20 But perhaps he was being hypersensitive and letting his suspicions race like Jacqui 's .
21 And within the Home Office and the prison service , which was scheduled to become an agency on the first of April this year , an appropriate date perhaps , Mr Chairman , but we are still in the quagmire of getting arrangements which are suitable and protecting our people , and more so the craftsmen within that particular industry .
22 Ben says I should n't feel guilty , that we 're doing nothing wrong , but lying is wrong and deceiving your mother is wrong , and feeling so happy and so loving with Ben is wrong .
23 Be honest when assessing your own abilities .
24 Yeah but that 's fine cos setting our homework .
25 Whether an animal is tasting or smelling its food may be difficult to determine , however , for the distinction between the two senses is often blurred .
26 It 's unlikely that asking my help will be approved by your masters . ’
27 The image of an umbilical cord linking Nizan to the bourgeoisie is pertinent when assessing his practical political difficulties and daily working life during this period .
28 It was put to me recently that a guitar 's country of origin is irrelevant when determining its overall quality in the market place .
29 As expected ( UX No 414 ) , Sun Microsystems Inc 's satellite business , SunConnect , is expanding and moving its headquarters from Mountain View , California , to Grenoble in France .
30 An extra £5 million of sales will not make a big difference to Canon ; what matters is expanding and enhancing our name globally . ’
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