Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 In these circumstances we are interested in how the press reports these crimes and how this has been changing .
2 It is not an adequate defence of the inductivist position to point out that parents and teachers select a set of red objects when teaching children to understand the concept ‘ red ’ , for we are interested in how the concept first acquired its meaning .
3 There are very many villages with regular rectilinear plans , and we should perhaps now regard these as planned villages , even if we are ignorant of when the planning took place .
4 It is a fundamental belief of developmental biologists that the regulatory processes , just discussed , are central to how the pattern is established in normal development , and are not just a bizarre result of experimental interference .
5 If you 're interested in either the design or purchase of jewellery then a unique opportunity has come to Glasgow this week .
6 The changes in the village social structure described in this chapter have , of course , varied in their timing and extent from village to village , yet these developments have been widespread across virtually the entire countryside .
7 On the contrary , they would seem to have been involved in precisely the kind of political and military activity from which Jesus , according to later tradition , is dissociated .
8 During the practice , Prost had been impressed by both the McLaren and the Williams and his worst fears were confirmed as Senna pulled inexorably away and the multi-coloured Williams of Nigel Mansell began to move about in Prost 's mirrors .
9 He protested that the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , had been present at only the start of the debate .
10 These are responsible for both the ‘ power and status ’ motivation ascribed to Nigerian entrepreneurs , and for the centralizing tendency of governments which until recently have frequently been hostile to the informals .
11 However , I am concerned about where the money will come from and what the rates of interest will be .
12 Quiss had been lonely with only the castle 's shy and dwarfish attendants for company , and Ajayi was pleased to find somebody who already knew their way round the cold , forbidding stump of rock , iron , glass , slate and paper which was the castle .
13 It may be comforting if you can acknowledge that in any moment you make the best choices you are able to in the situations in which you find yourself .
14 It has also been employed , in conjunction with other research techniques such as the follow up interview , in the identification of survey questions which are problematic for either the interviewer or the respondent .
15 Such changes are imperceptible to even the best-trained eye .
16 The so-called applied sciences , such as engineering , agriculture and medicine , are concerned with much the same objects , but from a different stance : they are largely concerned with ‘ doing ’ , although again this does not necessarily preclude ‘ theorizing ’ or ‘ philosophizing ’ .
17 In the affective domain , objectives are concerned with how the user feels about using the system and if he/she continues to use this method of information retrieval after training .
18 Here we are concerned with how the effects of teaching techniques on learner behaviour are monitored and how the techniques are modified accordingly .
19 Second , we are concerned with how the representatives perceive their role and how they organise themselves to fulfil their tasks .
20 Long-wave theories are concerned with how the economy fluctuates over long time periods .
21 Over the previous twenty years we had become preoccupied with structural arguments about regions and areas when we should have been concerned about how the service was run .
22 The solution may be stable on either the success or the failure surfaces for the same value of the logical rigour factor .
23 This is not merely a function of the relative strengths of the HSV-1 IE-3 and VZV gene 62 promoters ( 39 ) but could be attributable to either the relative strengths of their activating domains ( unknown at present ) or alternatively multiple 140k interactions with the promoter may have an additive effect , enhancing the efficiency of activation .
24 Thus the cost of a product could , to an extent , be dependent upon when the product was manufactured .
25 If there were a check , one need not require it to be an infallible one ; the fact that we might always be wrong about how the original sensation was ( a sort of memory scepticism ) is not a part of the argument at all .
26 Explain why unc must be less than unity and why the current density must be limited to J. Estimate values for the dimensions h1 , h2 so that each section of the steel core shall be subject to approximately the same maximum flux density .
27 Xorandor examines the narrative aspect of the novel by exploring the theoretical problems of story-telling from the point of view of children whose minds have been formed by their exposure to computers ; here techniques specific to narrative are shown to be central to even the most logical of sciences .
28 The charges and exchange rates should be visible from outside the bureau and then detailed in a receipt to be given to the customer after the transaction .
29 With that Baldwin had to be content until almost the Monday noon .
30 ‘ Electro-fishing can be dangerous to both the user and the fish if they are not experienced . ’
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