Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] some [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore experiences which are stressful for some people will not be perceived as such by others — under the same circumstances some people 's taps will turn on and others will remain off .
2 I mean , being frightened er spooky kind of you know thing in a lot films can be exciting for some people .
3 It is refreshing to read an article when the writer is not afraid to state the fact , even if it may be unpopular with some people .
4 ‘ It might be okay for some people , like thae toffs that mammy cleans for , but it 's nae use for the likes of us .
5 One , one point that was made to me is , is it might be , it might be too late for this , but it might be helpful for some staff from residential establishments to actually get to understand what official visits are as well .
6 Vitamin and mineral deficiencies ( see p 261 ) can affect the immune system , as can stress ( see p 140 ) , and these factors may be important in some people with candidiasis .
7 It is further recognised that words or gestures which may be tolerable to some people may be deeply offensive or threatening to others .
8 But it may be difficult for some people to pretend when they are overwhelmed with anger .
9 At the moment it is possible for some people to complain that because the policy is set and also administered centrally , teams for a major championship marathon are picked in the same way as sprint squads .
10 On the other hand , the check for full and free movement must be done after strapping in , because it is possible in some aircraft to jam the controls by tightening the straps round a cable or control rod .
11 And it 's frightening to some people .
12 earlier that , the hardship , I mean i it 's okay for some people who have the money and will not feel
13 It is difficult for some people to come to grips with the fact that children do not have a higher priority than partners , because some people feel that the purpose of marriage is producing children and therefore it should be the highest priority .
14 Be wary of some people in high places whose duties involved them in prolific correspondence .
15 The Court of Appeal had ruled that whether or not such material might be ‘ beneficial to those who were sexually repressed or perverted or deviant ’ did not make its publication ‘ an object of general concern ’ , since otherwise any form of pornography could be defended on the ground that it was beneficial to some people , if not to the public at large .
16 It was true for some people , because if you act soft when you go in , they do pick on you , but when I got there I knew how to act from being in Bullwood Hall and other places .
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