Example sentences of "[be] [art] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So it comes as no surprise to learn that the new film by veteran director Robert Altman — The Player — has been the most talked about movie in studio parking lots and Beverly Hills brasseries this year .
2 In the Commons , Sir Thomas Clarges moved that " a standing Army is destructive to the Country " , whilst his fellow Tory , Edward Seymour , declared that " the safety of the Kingdom doth not consist with a standing force " , adding ( in a way which anticipated Tory arguments used after 1689 ) that " all the profit and security of this Nation is in our Ships , and had there been the least ship in the Channel " , Monmouth could never have landed .
3 Personnel people are the worst afflicted with the ailment .
4 Of these three studies those of Richards and Cripps are the best devised to date .
5 Pecorino , Feta and Manchego are the best known of the remaining ewes ' milk cheeses .
6 The unlovely Fannie and her duopolistic cousin , the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation ( Freddie Mac ) , are the best known of that obscure underbelly of the American political system known as government-sponsored enterprises .
7 Heroin and cocaine These are the best known of the hard drugs .
8 Women who score high on BSRI androgyny , and who show androgynous or ‘ blended ’ behaviour in sex-typed situations , are the most influenced by traditional gender schemas .
9 He may have visited Glastonbury on 30 November 1032 , and the five charters from 1033 ( S 967 – 70 , 972 ) are the most to survive from any year of his reign .
10 And that is despite being named among those who are the lowest paid in the country .
11 Output expectations for the next four months are the highest recorded by the authoritative monthly survey since May last year .
12 I 'm afraid we 're a little crowded in here , ’ he confided with a wry smile .
13 ALTHOUGH I welcome any move towards a more open society I am a little disturbed by the relentless way in which childhood is being forced to be politically correct .
14 The word ‘ intellectual ’ , of course , has been a traditionally associated with the nature of men as the word ‘ emotional ’ had been associated with the nature of women .
15 Had I just seen the DOS version , I 'd have been a little niggled about some of the design parameters , but very impressed at the functionality , with an overall favourable opinion .
16 ‘ Perhaps we 've both been a little affected by the way things have gone .
17 ‘ It has been a long wait in a queue behind many other people with the same idea who wanted new homes in their neighbourhoods , but it has definitely been worth it .
18 Bryan Gould , shadow Environment Secretary , says there has been a fivefold increase in planning applications for toxic waste incineration capacity .
19 As you all know Annabelle has been a much sought after girl/woman , but I 'm pleased to announce the winner of the competition , me .
20 Home grown leeks , a traditional Easter vegetable , are a best buy at 35–45p a lb for home grown , 65–70p a lb for Dutch .
21 The integration into mainstream training , of topics that are no immediately recognised by bureaux workers as important , can often be an answer to fulfilling policy requirements .
22 This restoration has been an off-again-on-again project for several years but recently work has resumed on the Bearcat , which will be the only two seat example flying .
23 That is not , in any way , to take away from the fine documentation of every tournament played in 1991 , many of which were penned by British tennis journalists , who continue to be the most travelled in the world .
24 Gable is honest enough to acknowledge that there 's some truth in the saying that no publicity is bad publicity : ‘ The cynical and worldly part of me tells me it 's been wonderful because the production must be the most talked about in 20 years of dance .
25 A BT spokesman said : ‘ The Pennan box must be the best known in the whole of Scotland .
26 Management were told at the ritual claim submission in London that Ford workers at the 21 plants wanted to be the best paid in the motor industry .
27 Let s and t be the least suffices for which unc Consider unc now unc [ since unc and p is a prime ] .
28 Most Labour Zionists were of German or at any rate European origin , and tended to be the better educated of the Jewish population in Palestine .
29 In the recession of the early 1980s this service suffered immensely through poor sales and ultra high terminations — in those days it was said that washroom would be the hardest hit in any recession because it was not seen as an essential service ; much confidence was , then lost in the service .
30 To this end she dressed in the most outrageously modern and expensive clothes , ‘ so that they should be the more staring to men 's sight ’ .
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