Example sentences of "[be] [art] [noun sg] they [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But there are those who wonder whether Celtic will ever again be the force they once were in British and European football .
2 ‘ They broadcast the show and at the end of it Christopher Trace [ one of the presenters ] said something like , ‘ Whoever designed the Daleks really deserves a gold Blue Peter badge ’ , which is the badge they only award for very , very special achievements .
3 ‘ You tell him , ’ is the refrain they often take to the local schools , in admission that authority and control has been exhausted at home .
4 What makes things harder still for the Morleys is the fact they still do n't seem any nearer receiving compensation .
5 That 's the trouble they just run see .
6 He says there are lots of tourists and it 's a shame they just come for that .
7 They 've made him lie with his hands behind his head , which is a trick they probably picked from a Miami Vice afternoon repeat , except it looks stupid when the guy 's hairy legs are sticking out from the tail of his shirt .
8 IT WAS the result they least expected and most feared .
9 Brynteg was a subject they never discussed .
10 He and Warnie , for example , had decided that they would erect a memorial window to their parents in St Mark 's , but it was a decision they quickly came to regret when the Lewis , Hamilton and Ewart cousins all weighed in with suggestions of what should go into the window .
11 Maybe it was a job they never finished . ’
12 It was a rule they later applied also ( in the face of considerable opposition ) to the guests whom a member signed for in the Visitors Book and introduced on to the floor of the Baltic Exchange .
13 ‘ Seems there was a lot they never told us , ’ said William .
14 And it was a challenge they eagerly accepted .
15 When Henry VIII and his Parliament said that England was an empire they simply wanted to say that it was a sovereign state independent of the Pope 's judicial authority .
16 To maintain that Moses was an Egyptian they never .
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