Example sentences of "[be] [art] [noun] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Mike Lawrence has been the test pilot here since 1983 and has flown 4,000 sorties including every one of the 165 Jaguars in the RAF Fleet .
2 When it reached the more sober atmosphere of the Upper House , the clause was decisively rejected , again on a free vote ( except for the Government Front Bench ) , by a majority of 153 ( 181 votes to 28 ) , despite a powerful plea in its support by Viscount Templewood , who , as Sir Samuel Hoare , had been the Home Secretary so enthused about pre-war prison reform .
3 The only division to show a fall-off in profits has been the foods ingredients where profits fell from £10.8 million to £9.1 million because of difficulties in the bread market and the temporary impact of the closure of the Gainsborough plant .
4 Joshua Marshall had been the parking-bay attendant ever since the apartment block had been opened eighteen years earlier .
5 Josiah , the father of Benjamin Franklin , was born in the Northamptonshire village of ECTON , which had been the Franklin family home for over 300 years .
6 Malcolm Philpott had been the UNACO Director ever since its inception , having spent the previous seven years as head of Scotland Yard 's Special Branch .
7 Even so , she felt sure that it was something to do with her , that there should only have been the Maxwell girl there .
8 That 'll have been the trawler run ashore on on er Pearworth Gareth and we were all come ashore on but it was n't er .
9 Where are the potting tabs then chaps ?
10 Here are the Pointer Sisters just for you .
11 Are the parent birds really putting themselves at risk for their offspring , laying down their own lives so that their young may live ?
12 Why are the valley sides not worn back to more gentle slopes as in normal valleys ?
13 Erm and it , it was us , I mean not only do we , I mean we develop her a a response , that means , we , we work with Councillor 's we work with Senior Officer 's in other departments and we look at the policy angles , like for example with , with that piece of legislation , when , when we first realised what the impact for that legislation was , it was gon na mean that we were ten million pound short in our housing money basically , that was , that was what it looked like on the surface and you think oh my god how you gon na make up for that short fall , that would mean an eleven pound a week rise in rent , that 's what it worked out as , so , well we ca n't do that , how , and then you have to look at the legislation and you say what are the loop holes here , and erm , and it involves contacting outside organisations and getting there opinion and finding out what other Council 's are doing and responding to things like this , and we did come up with a way , of , of reducing that deficit , but that 's the kind of thing we do .
14 As indicated above , DC , LC and UDC are the classification schemes most widely used in libraries today , though special schemes may be important in other contexts .
15 These are less affected by stretching and restretching than are the animal skins formerly used .
16 Or , put another way , are the Powell conditions too tough — tough not just for Americans , but for those , like Bosnia 's Muslims , whose plight is such that they can plausibly look only to America for salvation ?
17 Are the ridge tiles properly pointed , or has the mortar fallen out ?
18 This suggests that there is a cross-reaction between the Candida antigens and those of other yeasts : antibodies whose primary targets are the Candida antigens also bind to similar proteins , produced by their cousins in the yeast world .
19 Having identified this implicit feature of the debate in Part I , I went on in Part II to ask how the holist approach has fared : how powerful and wide-ranging are the holist explanations currently proposed by social scientists ?
20 The switches I find the most awkward to deal with are the mains rotary on/off switches that are supplied by several of the main electronic component retailers .
21 The gynaecologist asks me : ‘ Is this size of vaginal speculum really used in the Netherlands and are the delivery beds that wide ? ’
22 Also at Horstead Keynes are the carriage sheds where work is undertaken to restore coaching stock to working order .
23 These are the subsidence theory originally put forward by Darwin and strongly supported by Davis , and the Glacial Control theory advocated by Daly .
24 The exceptions are the Cassagnes/Malinski types where polyblocks or moulded fittings permit easy assembly with relatively short spar units .
25 Says a City source : ‘ You should run a photo of a nude woman on top of a Norton bike with the caption : ‘ Are the Norton shareholders as naked as she is ? ’
26 Within walking distance are the horseriding stables where lessons are available as well as trekking for more experienced riders .
27 Young people aged 14–18 years are the age group most likely to die from VSA , accounting for 61.5% of all VSA deaths between 1971 and 1991 , and the figures for 1991 show no significant change in this pattern .
28 So , are the fire appliances only supposed to be used by the
29 So if the lady was on fire , you 'd leave it basically to the Fire Brigade , obviously if you could help the lady , get a ladder up to the window to get her out of the room or something like that , you would do that , you would help in any way you can , but the real experts are the Fire Brigade so we leave all the er real technical stuff to the Fire Brigade .
30 ‘ Right ’ , said Mahon , ‘ you 're the art director now .
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