Example sentences of "[be] [prep] be [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ministers also agreed guidelines for EC policy towards Latin America and Asia over the next decade ; priorities were to be development aid for the poorest population groups and economic co-operation with areas with a strong growth potential .
2 At the local level there were to be branch juvenile exchanges and wherever possible branch care committees , and the duties of both corresponded to those of their London counterparts .
3 The two men were to be Michael Goldsmith — the bombardier whom I had already met — and Charles Lynch , known as Paddy , a red-haired lance-corporal of the Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers .
4 ‘ Of how it is to be Anne Duchess of York perchance ? ’
5 But something that does tend to confuse people , is how the program decides what is to be colour number 1 , colour 2 , colour 3 and so on .
6 The rest of the ground floor is to be garage space for two cars .
7 Now his aim is to be world champion .
8 ‘ My burning ambition is to be world champion .
9 The chairman of Komeito ( ’ Clean Government ’ ) , Mr Junya Yano , is to be shadow finance minister .
10 My brew for this breeding attempt was to be tap water , rain water and tap water filtered through peat in equal measures , which gave me readings of 6pH and 2DH
11 Messages were transmitted that this was to be work experience for teachers .
12 Our destination was to be Cliff College in the Peat District , where we would spend the next few days .
13 Now Daniel was difficult , telling her not to come to the hospital , where he was to be Father Christmas in the children 's ward .
14 At Vergina , later in the fourth century , the quality of recently discovered fresco-painting suggests an established tradition which might go back to Archelaos ' time ; and continuity is also suggested by Pliny 's statement ( Natural History xxxv.62 ) that Zeuxis gave Archelaos a painting of Pan , who was to be patron deity of the third-century Macedonian king Antigonos Gonatas ( see the coin illustrated as frontispiece to W. Tarn ( 1913 ) Antigonos Gonatas ) .
15 It was felt that was totally contradictory as community care was more expensive and required a lot more time and resources if it was to be quality care .
16 The consequence of these developments was to be party government .
17 On the morning of the Melbourne Stakes , which was to be Phar Lap 's warm-up race for the Melbourne Cup three days later , he was shot at from the window of a car as he returned from exercise .
18 These have to do , inter alia , with technology : for instance , the World Broadcasting Satellite Administrative Radio Conference WARC 1977 ) allocation of the frequency spectrum for DBS conceived of as a national service , or the video communications or ‘ cable ’ plan of 1982 , whereby France was to be world leader in interactive fibre-optic networks — and so win export orders .
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