Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [noun] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But there are anyway other anecdotes which for what they are worth trace the origin of political professionalism to dates earlier than Kleon : a Byzantine lexicon called the Suda , for instance , makes Pericles the first to take a written speech into court , while for Aristotle ( Cic .
2 Familiar ways in which such participant-roles are encoded in language are of course the pronouns and their associated predicate agreements .
3 These are of course the history teacher 's daily stock in trade , often taken for granted but when we are publicly called upon to justify the spending of taxpayers ' money on our subject , the most obvious may well be one of the strongest arguments for the teaching of history to all young people to the age of 16 .
4 There are of course the court of protection costs which are to be calculated and are not a source of disagreement .
5 The only members of the hunt dedicated to the actual kill are of course the hounds , the huntsman whose job it is to train them to hunt , possibly a farmer whose stock has been damaged by foxes , and possibly the masters who are interested in controlling the fox population .
6 The brightest objects are of course the lights themselves , but wide shots also include the darker areas which reduce the average brightness of the scene .
7 Everyday objects are of course the stock-in-trade of Arman , whose retrospective at the Brooklyn Museum continues until the 26th of this month .
8 These are of course the qualities most deficient since June 1989 .
9 The thickened edges of these rafts are of course the mountain chains such as the Andes .
10 The baby was in the Rena for four weeks at two guineas a week … the bill amounted to £16.12s.10d. and so you see , with all these expenses , the cost of having a baby has turned out to be very great , and now there are of course the funeral fees . ’
11 Such alternations of musical sections are of course the basis of most conventional musical forms ( except those based on a single theme , such as fugue ) , and this important principle , of statement and change , coupled with the use of repetition , forms my main point .
12 But councillors are lokking for a more long term , solution … they 're to petion the county council for money for full time youth workers .
13 ‘ And once we 're at sea the food will be given out , ’ Ruth said .
14 Under Clifford , Palmer bided his time , keeping to himself his misgivings about the governor 's achievements in centralization , and exerting himself openly only to oppose Clifford 's proposal that lawyers should be allowed to plead in the provincial courts , thereby unacceptably diluting what had been under Lugard the Resident 's almost unrestricted jurisdiction over them .
15 Others , myself among them , are not convinced that Cromwell was the sole architect of the Privy Council , which may have been in part the consequence of his fall rather than of his predominance .
16 A technicality defeated her attempt to become legal , however — she had n't yet been in Canada the requisite five years .
17 ‘ Giving in ’ to prevent ‘ giving more ’ , which has been in reality the basis of much of British diplomacy in Europe , will need to be replaced by a position which says , ‘ Above the line anything goes ; below it we walk away . ’
18 While shareholders are not the owners of the company 's assets as a matter of strict law , they are in substance the owners by virtue of being the contributors of the company 's capital .
19 Being part of the natural world and a proper object of scientific study , X is predictable on the basis of X 's preferences and information , which are in turn the result of X 's nature and nurture .
20 The limitations of Stephano and Trinculo are in part the limitations of their medium .
21 Nevertheless , the view that consumer tastes are in part the result of corporate influence and do not originate exclusively in the autonomous individual will is a persuasive one .
22 But it is like the first scenario in this : both kinds of eroticism are specific to male bonding , both occur within and against the very situations in which heterosexuality is most ardently pursued , and both are in part the consequence of heterosexual ardour .
23 Because of the high unemployment and history of redundancies in Teesside , they viewed the farm as a valuable asset and possible alternative employment , but whilst they are in work the farm assumes much less significance .
24 This is fun I like talking into This diagram shows the reach or an airline distances are in kilometres the figures for them are only rough one , a jet flies from Beirut
25 Of these two pads , the first normally consists of the Prologue , or exposition scenes ; the Entrance of the Chorus ( Parodos ) : and what is now generally called the Agon , a fierce ‘ contest ’ between the representatives of two parties or principles , which are in effect the hero and villain of the whole piece .
26 They are in effect the fundamentals of molecules that are already vibrationally excited .
27 The latest sell-offs are in line the promises made by TI when it took the group over last year .
28 Although Mr Tribe and Mrs Gordon are on hand to supervise , the weekend sessions are in fact the responsibility of the senior Rangers aged between 17 and early 20s , together with junior instructors .
29 Most UK multinationals today are engaged in more subtle and complex tax planning structures , in which the most widely used ‘ offshore ’ territories are in fact the haven equivalents , special regimes existing in a number of EC member states : Belgium , Ireland , Luxembourg and the Netherlands .
30 The two subgenres of popfiction , " romances and thrillers " , which are in essence the subject of the book , are also regularly measured against each other in a series of detailed comparisons .
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