Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [v-ing] [that] at " in BNC.

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1 At the same time it 's worth remembering that at least one contrast colour , even if only a large plant or a mass of flowers or cushions , will help to emphasize the clever harmony of the background colour scheme .
2 It is worth noticing that at least one senior member of the Board of Education ( William Cleary , Head of the Elementary Branch ) had argued , as early as 1941 , against the tripartite system and in favour of comprehensive schools .
3 But it is worth noting that at least for the criticism of popular culture , and of television in particular , this apparently postmodern move may have less to do with a radical change in the terms of value than with a fundamental shift of attention — and of political faith — from the text to the audience .
4 It is worth noting that at this stage the plaintiffs were in possession of no details other than the bare figures in the accounts .
5 Socially , the employee dismissed following a conviction will — whether the dismissal was fair or otherwise — find re-employment difficult , though it is worth noting that at least one tribunal has decided that such an employee is not bound to disclose the reason for his dismissal to a prospective employer ( Mackin v J. Carr Ltd , 1974 IRLR ) .
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