Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Fagg has put me temporarily in charge and , limited though my power may be , I intend to ensure that those under my care are for once treated like human beings . ’
2 But he found other allies as well , everyone in fact who had been uneasy with the extent to which traditional Catholicism had been of late put into question .
3 Whether it be welfare , gas bills , housing , you name it and we 're in there fighting to , to keep them above the water , their heads above the water .
4 No staff room or loo or anything I think we 're at least entitled to the odd bun !
5 For the chick , it must have been like suddenly landing in the Sahara .
6 He would have been in there swinging with the best .
7 might have been in there to look at someone else , to talk with a club owner or having a drink .
8 Might be worth just thinking about that for me , actually , have a a future negotiation .
9 That those eyes which have witnessed the Divine Motherhood should henceforward be for ever lowered in contemplation in an enclosed cloister seems to me entirely fitting .
10 So , I said to her right , I said you wan na be in here live in here I said I 'll invite you in !
11 I thought how nice it would be to just stroll across the road and look at the river , and it appears to be quite simple until you get there and meet I do n't know how many lanes of traffic .
12 The fairest way would be to just run off the four remaining races , perhaps before another Exeter meeting . ’
13 The miming aspect of it was a drag but I was really glad to be on there to dispense with all those horrid people .
14 ‘ That as a member of a large merchant-banking family , with some ties to the Soviet Union , you will be over there looking at the country with a view to future investment opportunities .
15 A natural monopoly is sustainable if there is no vector of prices and associated vector of outputs which allow an incumbent 's total costs to be at least covered by revenues but which make entry unattractive .
16 Thomson is state-owned and though there has been no overt policy statement from the French Government , it is widely accepted that its attitude towards the merger will be at least coloured by the MoD 's decision .
17 The offence is committed whether or not the incitement is effective , but it must be at least communicated to the person incited .
18 Frederic W. Farrar 's Eric , or , little by little of 1858 is the often-quoted example , in which the boys show open affection for each other in a way that would be at least ridiculed in our own harsh world of emotional constraint :
19 Some of these claims can be considered , and either allowed or disallowed , only by looking at the work as a whole ; others can be at least understood after reading only a few lines :
20 Sheehy said the 9% halftime dividend boost will be at least matched at the year end .
21 These rates are likely to be at least matched in the 1990s when , between 1987–8 and 1992–3 , the corporation plans to invest at least £600 million — half through land sales and half through central grant ( LDDC , 1987 ) .
22 The exceptions are that , unlike riot and violent disorder , the offence can be committed only when the violence is directed towards the person rather than property , and the threats can not be by words alone ; they must be at least accompanied by threatening gestures .
23 Oh I 'm sure it would mean an awful lot to them and the fact that you 're so successful coming out of Ireland would mean a lot to them as well you know and er er it 's nice to be able to er you know to do that for them if they 've been over here living for you know some of them have never been back maybe and some of them have never seen Ireland because maybe their their parents or their grandparents came from there .
24 He , he picks on us to say how determined we are to actually go into the profession because he knows that er , although there are more parts for females there it 's harder for somebody to stand out .
25 Such population growth as there has been since then comes from a natural internally generated increase and there has been significant out-migration .
26 The implication drawn seemed to be that these two groups were irrevocably separated the practical men being for ever excluded from the highest mystical experiences .
27 The senator had frowned , then opined that it was not just the fat who were for ever barred from the Oval Office , but even the ugly .
28 ‘ It is just , ’ said Hope , looking at Mrs Crump as if she were a particularly testing landscape — perhaps a copse whose colours were for ever changing under sun and scudding clouds — ‘ it is just , ’ he said , ‘ and I am sure , certain , that someone must have told you this — ‘
29 Do you regard that land as being within properly included in the inset or not ?
30 However , an increasing proportion of audit appointments have been made to private sector accounting firms , the intention being to ultimately provide for a 50/50 split of appointments between the Commission 's own staff and the private sector .
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