Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ( Similar faults are of course to be found in primary schools . )
2 And , and I I think we 're in danger of being complacent over the D S O. Now I have over many years been involved with the D S O , and er , and I I support their efforts .
3 Christians are under obligation to be constantly watchful on this point .
4 Though working primarily for the BBC world service the monitoring team also provide news as a commercial agency and are under pressure to be first with the major stories .
5 A close friend of the tragic couple said last night that Mr Elton had been under stress since being ousted as a director of oil giant Ultramar .
6 It is sad that in Britain we have lost most of our old heritage , but when I went to Ireland I was pleased to find that Yeats and others before him had rescued many of the stories and legends that had been in danger of being lost .
7 The London middleweight Rod Douglas , who has been in hospital since being beaten by the British champion Herol Graham two weeks ago , is expected to leave hospital ‘ in a week or so ’ , according to his manager Mickey Duff , who said last night : ‘ He is going to make a complete recovery .
8 Some of the problems of the relative parts played by waves and currents are in process of being cleared up by the use of traceable sand and shingle .
9 Even ordinary back gardens are in demand to be put on public display , says Jane Bidder
10 Do not fight on if the stitches are in danger of being ruptured .
11 He even implies that those who sacrificed themselves in the Second World War are in danger of being betrayed .
12 Investment criteria that are applied as a matter of course to every other company are in danger of being abandoned completely as the institutions face the prospect of being sucked in by the Government 's subtle propaganda .
13 Keeping our dogs alive longer , and buying a second dog as company for the first are part and parcel of modern living ; but both have associated problems which are in danger of being misunderstood
14 SMALL businesses are in danger of being frozen out of the pre-election debate , the Forum of Private Business , one of the sector 's most active lobbyists , says today .
15 During the audit stage of the School Development Plan , they may suggest areas that are in danger of being overlooked ; if expectations are too low they may find tactful ways to remedy this .
16 These alternatives are a threat to the popular consciousness of the people 's movements and the radical elements in the Catholic church , which are in danger of being overtaken by consciousness of the power of money and guns . ’
17 But when they fly home to Karachi at the end of the month they are in danger of being remembered as cricket 's chumps , not champs .
18 The independent schemes , like ourselves , need help or they are in danger of being squeezed out .
19 If we do , we must act quickly because our members in the Health Service , Local Authorities and all public services are in danger of being approached by the creation of UNISON .
20 Our craft members are in danger of being approached by the A W E U
21 Our craft members are in danger of being poached by the A W E U. An amalgamation may not be some people 's ideal , but it will take away a lot of the friction between the two unions .
22 Of course , not only women are in danger of being unprotected .
23 A report commissioned by the UK government on acid rain and nitrogen oxides has concluded that many ecologically sensitive parts of Britain , particularly the wet , upland areas , are in danger of being damaged by emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere .
24 Ecologists at York University have warned that water voles are in danger of being wiped out by mink — an alien predator which is spreading through the British countryside as a result of escapes from mink farms .
25 , The chair of the Water Service Association , John Bellak , has told a conference in London that British water companies are in danger of being forced to over-invest in environmental clean-up operations to counter " alarmist fears " about the quality of drinking water .
26 Rhinos in Nepal 's Chitwan National Park are in danger of being scared off their foraging grounds by parties of tourists mounted on elephants .
27 Asylum procedures exist to ensure the protection of those genuinely at risk , but they are in danger of being undermined by those who see them as an alternative channel for immigration .
28 Thousands of farm workers are in danger of being exploited if their minimum wage is scrapped .
29 Farmworkers are in danger of being milked by their employers if the Agricultural Wages Board is scrapped .
30 And how blurry would that policy have had to be in order to be described as common ?
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