Example sentences of "[be] [not/n't] mean [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The very rigid structure looks tedious and clumsy to us humans , but we are not meant to be reading it .
2 Trade unions , it they are involved at all , are not meant to be militant .
3 Christians in particular have trouble with this part of the grief response because so often it seems that Christians are not meant to be angry — especially when the feeling is commonly directed towards God personally , as it were : ‘ I try to live a good life and see what He has let happen …
4 The early efforts are not meant to be marked on promise alone ; yet it is hard not to do that .
5 The illustrations are not meant to be accurate — for use as maps — but they succeed brilliantly as indicators of the terrain likely to be found on these walks .
6 These definitions are not meant to be academically accurate , but to describe the meanings generally intended .
7 Nevertheless , such fictions are not meant to be taken literally , for it can be dangerous to indulge the Gothic imagination in ordinary life , as Catherine learns to her cost at Northanger Abbey .
8 They are not meant to be listened to .
9 These are not meant to be comprehensive surveys of the literature , but are simply designed to illustrate the application of rational expectations to specific areas .
10 General SVQs are not meant to be narrowly vocational — although I think the name may not be entirely helpful here .
11 Religions as sociological entities are not meant to be more than stepping-stones to an appreciation of the profound Mystery at the heart of reality .
12 The banana 's are not meant to be
13 I went into this field and I sat there and cried for hours in this pouring rain and I suddenly thought to myself , ‘ This is ridiculous , this is no good — you 're not meant to be an actor , you 're meant to be something else — a comedian . ’
14 Er and these , these little exercises er are meant to give you erm they 're memory aids really , they 're not meant to be homework , they 're simply so as er you know like if you , you want to remember er a difficult name you can sometimes do a funny thing with it you know to , to remember it you know .
15 They 're not meant to be crude or sensationalist , they give you an idea of the kind of thing that your fire fighters face on a regular basis .
16 We girls were only the workhorses really — we read the instruments , plotted the charts , made the tea and kept the office clean , and were not meant to be able to give a weather forecast .
17 Such laboratories were not meant to be public places , and the requirements of furnaces and sand-baths and enormous wet-batteries all pointed to the basement as the best place , although without good artificial light the hours of usefulness of basement laboratories was limited .
18 Under the ASC , Statements of Standard Accounting Practice were not meant to be rigid specifications of acceptable practice but rather ‘ to narrow the areas of difference ’ between accounting practices .
19 Some things were not meant to be revived .
20 I 'm sure they were n't meant to be there , but the solo probably felt so good that they decided the Ds were n't horrific enough to worry about .
21 They could n't tell you off for not turning off the lights but you were n't meant to be out of your dorm or even out of bed .
22 But when they turned him over there was a sound like a fart and all his insides had sicked out , bits that were n't meant to be seen and which God accordingly had n't bothered to finish off like the rest .
23 A description of a Tantric painting as a linear diagram may seem uninteresting , but then the effect of such a picture is not meant to be pleasure for the eye alone , but for religious use .
24 Lacan 's work is not subject to empirical verification , and indeed is not meant to be .
25 This is not meant to be ungenerous toward the two , who , on their day , can be a couple of the finest debaters in the Commons .
26 It is not meant to be an exclusive list , and nothing would please us more than to hear from readers about others — or their shortcomings , if the case deserved it .
27 It is not meant to be a book with the message of ‘ here 's how to cope . ’
28 This is not meant to be harassment , just a gentle reminder .
29 But this book is not meant to be a history of Jewish conquest , only a true story , in brief , of one family , in the Gorbals of Glasgow between the two World Wars .
30 What follows in part two is not meant to be a gloomy cataloguing of specific doubts but a look at seven of the most common ‘ families ’ of doubt .
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