Example sentences of "[be] [not/n't] [vb pp] into [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To the extent that black people are not assimilated into white society , the obstacle will be the way that they preserve a separate cultural identity .
2 Squig Hoppers are not organised into formal units .
3 We want to make sure our members are not put into vulnerable positions .
4 It would be necessary to provide " international protection for our people " during this phase , which could find acceptance as a " transitional stage , provided interim arrangements are not transformed into permanent status " .
5 Or , alternatively , they are not pressured into social activity if they prefer to handle the day by staying on their own quietly , maybe visiting the grave .
6 Unfortunately , the packaging of the music is once again deficient : Sheherazade gets only two separate bands rather than four , while the individual sections of Pictures are n't divided into separate tracks .
7 You are n't forced into unnatural ways of doing things just to satisfy DOS 's illogical structure and impoverished workarounds .
8 Although this argument is not developed into specific proposals for the curriculum , if it were it would lead to a very different form from that of the DES .
9 Problems are set chiefly to test your ability to apply the law you know , and the examiner will speedily tire of reading an account of the law that is not brought into direct relation to the problem .
10 One reason is that the lithosphere is not divided into small discrete blocks able to move freely up and down with respect to each other .
11 Carole Blake reports that ‘ Best of Young British ’ author Lawrence Norfolk ‘ s Lemprière 's Dictionary has now sold to 16 countries , is in the bestseller lists in Austria , and has sold over 100,000 hardback copies in Germany — where , I read in the papers , rival translators have misguidedly complained that the ( intentionally ) quirky use of language is not translated into good German .
12 Although these examples suggest that the French wars did not impoverish England , clearly the inflow of bullion was not directed into economic developments which increased the country 's productive capacity .
13 We would be failing in our duty if we did not seek to ensure that the very considerable effort of the voluntary sector was not translated into tangible benefits to poor people in developing countries .
14 When the lives of the women were examined in more detail , this finding was explained ; quite often , support at the time of their first contact with the woman was not translated into effective support in a crisis in the follow-up year .
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