Example sentences of "[be] [not/n't] [conj] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It took a further eight years before classes got under way , and then only in medicine , and it was not till well into the 1850s that it became really established .
2 It was not until well into the war that serious attacks were first launched on the principal Iranian terminal at Kharg Island , a nut that proved particularly difficult to crack .
3 It was not until well after the war began that Iraq started to diversify in the direction of France , with the Mirage and Super Etendard , both capable of delivering the much-discussed Exocet air/surface ( AS ) missile .
4 While Television began in Britain during the 1930s , it was not until just after the Second World War that a regular broadcasting service commenced .
5 It was not until just before the turn of the present century that it was revived by those who sought to promote the occult and a New Age mentality .
6 More slowly , ministers and departments of State charged more or less specifically with the conduct of foreign affairs emerged in most West European countries , though it was not until late in the eighteenth century that this process began to reach completion .
7 It was not until early in 1106 that his and the king 's messengers finally left for Rome .
8 It was n't until just before 3.00 a.m. this morning that the siege ended .
9 Diana was in awe of her eldest sister but it was n't until later in life that she forged a close relationship with Jane .
10 ‘ It was n't until late in the coup activities that it became clear that the coup plotters did , in fact , have him , ’ Mr Cheney said .
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