Example sentences of "[be] [not/n't] [adv] as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am not always as successful as I hope .
2 That started a whole new chain of experiences , both sorting out the piece from scratch all over again , and finding out how to cope with such a monumental work technically without ruining my physique ( I am not quite as young as I was ) !
3 Running men and dogs , too , supply about two-thirds of their forward power by springing , but they are not nearly as effective springs as kangaroos .
4 This evidence , like the evidence discussed in Children 's Minds , provides support for the argument that young children are not nearly as egocentric as Piaget claimed .
5 Besides , most keiretsu are not nearly as exclusive as American critics claim .
6 EMC is not a new thing in the US , although the regulations are not nearly as stringent as the EC directive .
7 I have heard these referred to as Disco Fish occasionally , but they are not nearly as common in the trade as they were .
8 Inside , the collections here are not nearly as fine as those you will find in St George 's or the National Gallery .
9 But look more closely at the statistics , look at what is really happening on the streets and in the shops , look at how people 's lives are changing , and it becomes clear that things are not nearly as bad as they are painted .
10 You have national radio , of course , but in a sense there 's less of it , in terms of hour times , and you have to be that much better to get on it , and the opportunities are not nearly as flagrant as on local radio .
11 Optical tablets using infra red beams to detect the position of a stylus are not nearly as sensitive as the other systems but are quite adequate for allowing a finger to be used to select an item from a program menu .
12 The Ascot fences are not nearly as fierce as their Mildmay counterparts at Aintree , but several of the fancied horses made remarkably heavy weather of them .
13 In fact , the Great and Good are not nearly as changed as popular myth would have it .
14 For most of us , though– these responses are not nearly as threatening as the possibility of being rejected or overpowered .
15 As in the UK , bright young people find it extra galling that some of those who are occupying the jobs they need are not nearly as bright as they .
16 If you have a good and close relationship with your mother you should be able to talk to her , but sometimes things are not even as straightforward as this , and if you are close to someone who you know is going to be upset or disappointed in you , it may be even harder to do .
17 Also , what do I wear and will they say my legs are not even as good as Terry 's let alone Sue Lawley 's ?
18 You are not even as old as Bicker , and he has no grey in his hair . ’
19 Just because we grow older , it does n't mean that we are not just as much in need of comfort from those around us .
20 Anytime a westerly or south-westerly wind is blowing , for example , means you must be in with a good chance of making a catch , even if other conditions are not equally as good .
21 This makes six extra words , at least , but they are not equally as common .
22 Draft agreements in the UK are not usually as one-sided as is frequently the case in the United States .
23 This might be a straight ‘ swap ’ but matters are not usually as simple as that .
24 It is a magnificent setting but I do n't like playing music in the open air , and the acoustics there are not perhaps as good as they are claimed to be .
25 The Allied videos are not quite as good , but this probably reflects the greater number of types described and our greater familiarity with most of the types shown .
26 IBM Corp enabled Wall Street to start last Tuesday with a smile on its face , reporting first quarter net profit of $1.04 a share , significantly ahead of analysts ' best estimates — but the figures are not quite as good as they looked , because a change in the basis of recognition of software revenues .
27 Unfortunately things are not quite as simple as that .
28 Unfortunately , matters are not quite as simple as some of us thought they were .
29 Chapanis suggested that computers are not quite as easy to work as the glossy brochures suggest .
30 If you are shooting video in a zoo where animals are kept behind bars , you are likely to come up against situations which prove that auto-focus systems are not quite as clever as you are .
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