Example sentences of "[be] [adv prt] for a good " in BNC.

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1 HAYDN-LOVERS are in for a good time this autumn : coming up are the Haydn at Esterhaza concerts at the Wigmore Hall ( part of the Magyarok Britain Salutes Hungary Festival ) ; already on display is the Haydn and England exhibition at the British Library ; and just started is the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment 's QEH Haydn series concentrating on his late choral works .
2 If you can swallow the unlikely nature of the killer 's powers , then you are in for a good rough ride down a murky road .
3 Ed was just like a one off and I 'm not forward any more at all and , you know , everyone thinks I am you know and Pete thought right I 'm in for a good time here , you know , I can probably get her you know , and so Charlie would have to carry out his part .
4 As children , we all got up to tricks like pinching a few apples or knocking on someone 's door and running away — all rather harmless , but if our parents found out , we would be in for a good hiding , a cut on the backside .
5 Yeah , then you I know , but John I mean you 'd be up for a good couple of grand if you did stick it out .
6 If that can happen to one of the most prestigious shopping streets in the world , we can be sure that dispossessin' is in for a good run .
7 Some Orcadian cat was in for a good supper .
8 From what she had read in the diary , it seemed any boy with a pleasing face and the latest clothes was in for a good time .
9 He was out for a good time , which might well involve finishing the evening with a fight .
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