Example sentences of "[be] [adv prt] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 've been on to this morning , asked me to and they have got thirty palettes there at the moment .
2 They have fairly regularly staged , what you might call bigger bands who play the university circuit as such and they 're always , you know , dying for people to come along so there 'll , th there 'll be lists published at what time , what events are on at these places if you wan na go and do that and if you wan na go to the top notch bands , Birmingham 's a good venue for that with the Leisure Centre , the M I A the N E C , the K G B etcetera etcetera all that stuff there so there 's always plenty to do , do n't , do n't feel restricted just cos we 're in er the middle of the city centre in this college and there does n't seem a lot to do , there 's a lot going on .
3 On these traffic lights been down to that football match actually cos it 's absolutely nose to tail right the way there right the way down here
4 looks nice , no burnt or anything , and I says ee it 's lovely is it , I said alright , would been down for this morning like and I says ooh come on then do n't bother when you get home starting making anything I says just say , let's ask for steak pies , so I says er can we have er two steak and kidney pies please ? , she said I 'm sorry we do n't , there is n't any kidney an all , I 'm glad there is n't I did n't want , well I 'd of eaten 'em like but I 'd rather have them without
5 What about livestock would they have been in at that time of year ?
6 By now they were in Piccadilly Circus , anonymous among the largest crowd Sally-Anne had ever been in without some sort of companion to protect her , or to look out for her .
7 You are in for some surprises .
8 Understandable had I been writing this in August , but as it is still March it looks as if we are in for another drought this summer .
9 The original author of this book commented in the House of Commons , ‘ Seldom have I seen the House or the Government in quite such a mess … as we are in over this Bill … this House does not contain a majority for this Bill .
10 Ruth stared down at it and wondered why she had bought it and thought it was probably because it contrasted so sharply with what she had been through on this trip .
11 Something to do with what he 'd been through in some war .
12 His section has been over for some time . ’
13 Well , this , you know we 're on about this money
14 Right we 're on to this roll now .
15 But the budget will be continually scrutinized er and adjusted to er suit the situation that we 're in at that stage .
16 Oh you 're in for some fun .
17 An Injun' yelled ‘ White men … we 're in for some fightin' … they 're not having our bison to eat . ’
18 I can tell you you 're in for some trouble if you start that because I I is you you 're all in trouble if you want to start these smaller committees , we have looked at the committees and as I say we make no apology for the number of committees or the number that 's on 'em .
19 Tony 's back now so we 're off for some gnocchi .
20 Now we 're off along some alleys , cutting west till we reach the railway viaduct .
21 But does this mean that our friends from Dixieland — the Intelligence Service lived south of the river ‘ — are going to give us a hint of what they 're up to these days ? ’
22 you know erm daily , just so we know when somebody does appear , if they 're , you know , if we , you know , wanted a chat with them or , you know , to see what they 're up to these days that yeah but I w er yeah yeah .
23 What you do when you 're out of that station is none of his business . ’
24 I shall be worried sick until you 're out of that madhouse . ’
25 Penny that come today she 's a horse fanatic , she 's only just sold her own , her own horse , but oh they 're out of this world , absolutely , were n't they , they were just stunning .
26 Refuse refuse collection of the world world out of this world , we 're out of this world !
27 Oh they 're out in that car again out there .
28 ‘ We 're back to that word ‘ civil ’ again , ’ she remarked .
29 You 're back to that situation of commonsense again ai n't you ?
30 So there is there is a wider acceptance on the one hand , of erm , sort of freedom , erm , and I know we 're back to this idea of sexual freedom , but there is the violence within our society , and and the the the question probably is , are those two connected , as we give greater freedom on the one hand , do we get a higher incidence of violence on the other hand .
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