Example sentences of "[be] [to-vb] or [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you could imagine yourself being without the radio , T. V. , or telephone then you just might come close to imagining how difficult it must have been to spread or hand on the message of Christianity .
2 For many people this was the last time they were to see or speak to him and they are left with a good memory and a triumphant one .
3 my bargaining power is based on the losses which you would suffer if you were to agree or disagree with my proposal
4 your bargaining power is based on the losses I would suffer if I were to agree or disagree with your proposals .
5 It would be tedious to quote more than a few examples of the evidence from parliamentary commissions , the STC , union reports and surveys etc. , but the following quotations are typical : " About the only work which the women can do is to stand or sit at their formes and set up type ; and to distribute the types back again into the cases , but of course this is only a portion of a compositor 's work " ( an employer ) ; " " As far as mere type-lifting is concerned , she may do , but there is other rough work in connection with compositors " work which I do not think a woman is qualified for " ( a union leader ) ; " Women … get the best , i. e. the simplest jobs … they are kept always at pretty much the same kind of work " ( an employer ) .
6 ‘ No one is to leave or enter without my permission .
7 Figure 1 Truth : ‘ To believe or say truly is to believe or say of what is that it is … ’
8 The response to mounting criticism is to reorganise or complain of lack of resources .
9 Boots are the best footgear on rough terrain and a torch is essential if the intention is to peep or venture into the caves that will be seen en route .
10 Over the next thirty years he was to write or illustrate over seventy books .
11 The classical recourse of the bourgeois in trouble or with cause for complaint was to exercise or ask for personal influence : to have a word with the mayor , the deputy , the minister , the old school or college comrade , the kinsman or business contact .
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