Example sentences of "[be] [to-vb] [pron] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now they are to lose their income support and housing benefit and allowed to borrow £420 a year at inflation-rate interest .
2 Now they are to lose their income support and housing benefit and allowed to borrow £420 a year at inflation-rate interest .
3 Pyranha are to re-introduce their clip-in child 's seat .
4 If we are to meet our business objectives , we all have a responsibility to communicate well and make sure our communications are open , honest , effective and can be easily understood .
5 Debt-ridden North Shields , who enter the HFS Loans League in August as Northern Counties East League champions , are to sell their Appleby Park ground for £540,000 for private residential development .
6 It was the second major concession by the President , the first having been to abandon his election campaign pledge of no new taxes .
7 But one of the first steps of the new UNO government may well be to wield its public-spending axe against health care .
8 One possibility would be to start his play behaviour just before lunchtime so that there is less time for undesirable behaviour to creep in .
9 The only means at the disposal of the unemployed would be to offer their labour services at money wages which were lower than those being commanded by the employed .
10 To attempt defection would be to sign their death warrants , and no man could be expected to do that .
11 I have begun to Fence which is a man 's game and I am to have my uncle Sette 's foil when next we go to England which may be in the summer .
12 FAMILIES in one of Britain 's poorest boroughs are to have their school clothing grants slashed .
13 Honorary colonels , as I have said , have an important role if we are to maintain our fighting troops at the standard that we have come to expect .
14 and she said no she 'd been to pay her poll tax over there , she said she 'd had a rest in one of the shops over there on the way
15 Before he succeeded Balfour then , Law was not associated with any of the features that were to characterize his party leadership ; his contribution was to use the leadership in the service of all of these causes , to make himself the spokesman for the most spirited sections of the party .
16 Similarly , if any single firm were to reduce its wage rate below that prevailing elsewhere , there would be an immediate decrease in the supply of labour to that firm which would drive the wage rate upwards again .
17 If we were to measure its recoil momentum sufficiently accurately to limit the electron 's Ap significantly , then Heisenberg would require the microscopes position to be compensatingly uncertain .
18 All trains approaching New York were to have their steam engines exchanged for electric ( in the case of the Pennsylvania at a station called Manhattan Transfer ) , and the vast echoing smoky recesses of the train-shed were dispensed with .
19 As many practitioners know only too well , many pleas in mitigation would hardly get off the ground if they were not able to point to the possibility of the accused losing his job if he were sent to prison or were to have his driving licence suspended .
20 The question that the Government must answer is whether , if they were to maintain their stand-back attitude and what they call their options , British investors — not simply inward investors — who want to sell their produce throughout the Community and the rest of Europe would give priority to investing and developing in Britain when they had every reason to believe that the Government were ever ready to withdraw from the European process .
21 A signpost lettered APPLEWICK pointed down it , and the school-house where the Brownies were to spend their Pack holiday was at Applewick ; but the van ought to have gone all the way round by the main road , because it was , as Brenda knew , too big to go under the low bridge .
22 Scott Bader are to close their Stratford Road premises in Birmingham and replace it with a new centre backing onto the Merryhill Estate in Brierley Hill .
23 Recently , US West and IBM have announced that they are to move their business headquarters to the United Kingdom .
24 Duna 's ultimate aim is to support its distribution activities by advertising in its own local computer publications , while also hoping to attract advertising from its competitors .
25 The alternative , says Johansson , is to plan your power supply in terms of the services you need , considering the possibility of making existing energy go further , as well as simply generating more power .
26 In the longer run , if Thailand is to sustain its growth rate it will need to create more jobs in higher-value-added industries .
27 ‘ What we can not afford to do is to sacrifice our core investment programme in Chemicals which is so important to the long-term future . ’
28 BARCLAYS Bank is to increase its counter charge to non-customers from £2 to £5 per transaction , to reduce queues at branches .
29 Mallinckrodt Medical , a unit of Imcera , is to increase its production capability of ioversol by expanding its existing plant in St Louis , US , and building a new one in Ireland .
30 Your Toyota is a sophisticated piece of machinery ; to fit non-genuine parts is to compromise its design integrity .
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