Example sentences of "[be] [noun sg] [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 There had been rain earlier in the week and the soil under the thick vegetation was still damp .
2 Jes ’ stay cool an' we 'll all be outa here in no time .
3 In other words , that kind of statistical argument , that there must be life elsewhere in the universe because there is life here , builds in , as an assumption , what it is setting out to prove .
4 We were second again in a non-championship race at Reims , where I indulged in my habit of lurking at corners taking pictures of the front suspension .
5 Its best known lager ( Heineken ) is second only in the take-home sector to Guinness , and it has 41 per cent of the take-home brown ale market .
6 He has 13 goals this season , with two hat-tricks , and is second only in the scoring list to Alan Shearer .
7 Well , apparently that used to be the official advice er and , and we were correct in that but the authorities have now changed their minds and they no longer want us to pour waste chemical down the drains and I gather that the official advice now is that surplus diluted chemical should be poured , and I 'm quoting here , on to more or less level and bare soil in the garden or on to level gravelled paths , avoid disposal in areas around ponds , erm water courses and so forth , dishes and , and what have you and as far as undiluted chemicals are concerned , that 's stuff still in the bottle , the advice there is to talk to your local authority cos they have different regulations in different areas .
8 A problem that besets all writers of the Highland scene is the confusion arising from the different spellings of many of the Gaelic place names , especially those of the mountains , where there is inconsistency even in the prefixes .
9 I join him in the living room , where he is bolt upright in an armchair watching a video .
10 While Olivetti is by far CIR 's largest single interest , there is trouble elsewhere in the De Benedetti empire .
11 There is elaboration too in the Second Ballade , the volcanic interjections ablaze with added notes , and in the opening of the last and glorious Fourth Ballade there is a convulsive leap across the rhythm , one of Cortot 's most curious and instantly recognizable mannerisms and a provocative view of one of the composer 's supremely rich and tranquil gestures .
12 And when one thinks of individual subjects , why is mathematics typically in the science faculty when it is not a science ?
13 There was traffic too in the opposite direction .
14 There was iron too in the Spencer soul and numerous hospital corridors rang to the sound of the redoubtable Countess and the fiery Lady Sarah Spencer hissing at each other like a pair of angry geese .
15 There was treachery even in the executive branch of William 's government : as Paul Hopkins has shown , Jacobites received constant information from the secretaries ' clerks on warrants and charges against them , and the messengers who made arrests and detained prisoners were often not reliable .
16 Room 501 was relet later in the day and this would be entered in red on the ‘ Tab ’ to indicate a relet .
17 Royal Ballerina was only just touched off by Intrepidity in the English Oaks and then was runner-up again in the Irish version when Weymss Bright triumphed .
18 Royal Ballerina was only just touched off by Intrepidity in the English Oaks and then was runner-up again in the Irish version when Weymss Bright triumphed .
19 He was runner-up twice in the Open Championship , four times in the Amateur , losing usually to Norman Borrett .
20 This view rested on an optimistic assumption that there was employment enough in the economy for all if labour was sufficiently mobile , but it was impossible to test this assumption in the 1830s and 40s .
21 There was improvement too in the reserves , who finished fourth in the Central League , and the third team juniors won the Yorkshire Midweek League .
22 In fact Kinsai was noted for the peace and order which existed on its streets — there was order everywhere in the land , and very little real law breaking — and it was amazing that his attackers had been able to persist for so long without interference .
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