Example sentences of "[be] [noun sg] [conj] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 First , when there has been confrontation , it has been religion that has yielded in the end .
2 It had not been charm alone , and it certainly had not been favouritism that had taken Fergus on his upward journey .
3 It must really be business that had brought Bunny here as it was n't his sort of pub .
4 ‘ She said it could n't be Rebel that had killed the lamb .
5 ‘ It 's money that has gone missing and the High Court proceedings are an attempt to recover it .
6 George 's patience is probably what keeps Lennie from really getting himself into trouble , all the time and it is patience that has kept Lennie alive so long .
7 It is management that have to address themselves to the solutions , either by using internal resources or by engaging outside consultants .
8 's dick that 's gone .
9 In Britain and America , for example , wine has grown at the expense of beer and spirits whilst in Spain and Italy , it is beer that has grown at the expense of wine and spirits .
10 It is quantification that has produced most of the difficulty in the present case .
11 My institute would wish for it 's concern that having striven to establish the statutory qualification , the Diploma in Trading Standards , and consequently persuading employing authorities as officers holding that qualification use the title Trading Standards Officers now sees the potential of confusion .
12 It 's exhaustion that 's made him ill . ’
13 That is carelessness that 's caused this ?
14 It 's Man that has to put Nature right , you know , and not vice versa .
15 ‘ It 's Dad that 's made me ill , ’ she said .
16 It 's company that 's got bases in
17 Light dawns on the small Year Niner 's face as she hastens to explain that the stain on the front of her school blouse is jam that has squirted out of her break-time doughnut , and not blood at all .
18 It is time that has speeded up , so everything gets speeded up — not just the clocks — but your heart-beat , your breathing , the rate at which your brain ticks over , and so the rate at which you think .
19 Ironically , it was change that had driven Tubby back to active service — change in civvy street and in the set ways of the pre-war world he had been used to .
20 She also told him that it was prayer that had brought him to her .
21 It was then she recognized it was fear that had set her limbs a-tremble and turned her blood to ice .
22 It was nature that had turned her grey , she said , and she did not give a damn .
23 And I suppose it was instinct that had made me hang on to my thermometer ; the delicate tube was still in my hand .
24 She did not say more and when he came closer he saw that if it was sleep that had found her it was of a troubled nightmare kind , the sleep of the ill and the stressed .
25 She apologizes to Thrift for having been angry , then remembers that it was Thrift that had dictated her previous parsimonious , sparing applications , and is confused .
26 The Prime Minister stated in March 1990 that it was privatisation that had enabled the sulphur cuts to be made in other ways .
27 Though he 'd dimly thought it was sentiment that had driven him back here , he saw now it was not .
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