Example sentences of "[be] [adj] or [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I ai n't spoke to John today , he 's been asleep or else ignoring me !
2 The recommendation following upon an assessment might result in a child with a hearing disability being placed in a local primary school rather than in a special unit for children who are deaf or partially hearing .
3 In the Netherlands , nearly a third of the local fungi species are extinct or shortly to become so .
4 Among these fish are a number of vital breeding projects , containing fish like Skiffia francesae that are extinct or extremely threatened in the wild .
5 The girls in the office would say in surprise , ‘ You ought to be shopping ! ’ if I said I had been bird-watching or merely reading in the sunshine .
6 Thirdly , it should be noted that the proportion of university graduates entering permanent employment itself varies from subject to subject ( see AGCAS , annual ) between about 40 and 75 per cent of all graduates in that subject , with a mean of 56 per cent ; the remainder go into short-term or overseas employment , further research or training , are unemployed or otherwise classified ( 1987 figures ) .
7 If you are unemployed or actively looking to change your job you will increase your chances immeasurably if you let other people know and make a positive effort to follow up any leads you receive .
8 Trifolium repens is unusual in that much of the genetic variation present within the populations is easily recognised in phenotypic differences that are visible or easily determined on plants in the field .
9 The numbers of γ T cells in the spleen , lymph nodes and gut epithelium are similar or slightly increased in young mutant mice as compared to wild-type littermates ( an example for the spleen is shown in Fig. 6 b ) .
10 The second group , of those — even including some Party members — who had previously been apathetic or negatively disposed towards the Party , thought that the time had now come when they could air their feelings .
11 If we are ill or emotionally disturbed , the clear outline of the aura will be broken .
12 The dorsal arm plates are oval or weakly fan shaped contiguous only proximally .
13 The dorsal arm plates are oval or slightly fan shaped , at least the proximal ones are usually contiguous .
14 The fact that these understandings are incomplete or ineffectively explained arises because of our intermediate stage of knowledge .
15 SPARE RIB is available on tape for subscribers who are blind or partially sighted
16 There is much argument as to how far different sexual traits are innate or socially conditioned .
17 The disk is round , diameter up to 14 mm , covered by small imbricating scales , each of which may carry a single red-like spinelet , the tip of which may be multifid or simply abraded .
18 The master is liable for wrongful acts and defaults of his servant — though they may be unauthorized or even forbidden by him — so long as they are done within the scope of the employment .
19 Erm for another reasons , which we shall get on to a bit later , there may be a great deal of confusion , er memories may not be clear or well formed , um people , according to some theories and ideas , people may be under-reporting because um y'know it helps them maintain their eq equilibrium a bit better .
20 The back must be straight or slightly arched , never rounded .
21 Apart from whether or not these exercises are effective ( they are certainly found to be enjoyable and relaxing by many pupils ) , they have given the teacher a secure base from which to work , for the teacher can be very much in charge , dictating the choice of exercise , controlling the length of time for each , selecting the background music where felt to be appropriate or even dictating the moment-to-moment activity within the experience .
22 It follows , then , that since there is no presumption that the benefits of co-operative R&D ventures will be large or easily realized in every case , the design of policy is likely to be critical ( see Baumol and Ordover , 1988 , for a broad overview of policies towards licensing , merger , and co-operative R&D ventures in high-tech sectors ) .
23 How could the relationship between economic and ecological rationality be inverted or rather corrected ?
24 The current drafting and CAD processes assume that the significance of any entity will be obvious or easily ascertained by anyone wishing to know .
25 DURATION : You certainly can not hope to see all that Amsterdam has to offer on a two night stay so either be selective or maybe stay longer .
26 Interestingly these regions of the mouse genome are thought to be paralogous or ancestrally related ( 71 ) .
27 I 'm not suggesting that your baby would n't be happy or well cared for , simply that he or she needs a mother who 's secure and happy with herself .
28 This goal may be immediate or sometimes postponed , depending on form or function .
29 This suggestion of subfecundity among young girls who marry at too early an age is notable in some other countries as well , and the condition may be temporary or long lasting .
30 Many drugs on the market today contain a mixture of right- and left-handed isomers , but often only one type has the desired effect ; the other may be inactive or even produce harmful side-effects .
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