Example sentences of "[be] [adj] but have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He had been apprehensive but had gone along with her idea all the same and now the small room was a regular haunt of the local foremen and managers , as well as a meeting-place for the trade union officials who held impromptu meetings over mugs of steaming hot tea and bacon sandwiches .
2 Staff turnover had traditionally been high but has slowed down more recently .
3 They 're lovely but have got horrible faces .
4 Boase explained that for twenty years he had made a collection of notes relating to English persons deceased since 1850 , and that in compiling his work he had kept in mind the dictum of James Anthony Froude [ q.v. ] , ‘ we want the biographies of common people ’ , so that many hundreds of the thousands of entries included in his compilation related to persons who had not been eminent but had led interesting lives , accounts of which could not be found in any other book .
5 The design is unique but has influenced many smaller churches .
6 The town itself is uneventful but has spawned its own genuine tourist activities .
7 They said it had been captive but had escaped . ’
8 The snow was blinding but had blown so hard that it had not yet formed a blanket on the land .
9 Once his parents were able to reassure him that his mummy had been very ill for a while but now she was better but had to take medicine he became a much easier boy to handle and stopped urinating on the carpet .
10 I was hungry but had to wait while he fiddled with a saucepan and then made me endure the smell of the meat coming from it .
11 Jilly Jonathan was pale but had calmed down after the bout of hysterical weeping that had overcome her once they had got her to the hotel .
12 I was terrified but had to go over .
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