Example sentences of "[be] [adj] for her [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It would have been humiliating for her to say to her mother , ‘ I had nothing to do with it ; it was the bright boy who made the suggestion to the grand dame . ’
2 It must have been humiliating for her to accept that after helping him to create an empire within show business , he should choose to spend his time with a younger woman .
3 It has been possible for her to work there within the family environment , which stimulates not only her own creativity but that of others .
4 However , since there had been open and vigorous debate about what everyone wanted , it had been possible for her to exercise considerable discretion on the department 's behalf when ordering , or selecting at book suppliers .
5 She endured his company , that was all ; he told himself that she behaved in all ways like a young lady : it would not have been proper for her to show more feeling .
6 Then you could edit them for her , if you feel you are willing for her to use them … .
7 She took a step backwards , and suddenly he realized that it had n't been easy for her to come here .
8 Raynor paused , looking down into the half-closed eyes , and saw Grainne smile , and saw , as well , that despite her apparent tranquillity , she had been nervous , and that it had not been easy for her to come to his room .
9 It would have been easy for her to pass for a white girl .
10 Sally-Anne loved a dare , and Terry Rourke 's appeal had been frank and animal — he had excited her , and it had been simple for her to lie to her mother , to set out to go to a girlfriend 's home on the following afternoon and meet Terry instead .
11 ‘ Oh , of course — the meeting to discuss the Christmas bazaar , ’ said Ianthe , remembering now that it would have been impossible for her to have had the quiet evening she had planned .
12 Her awareness of him was so intense that if his whole body had been dominating hers it would have been impossible for her to have felt more at the mercy of her own emotions .
13 It would have been better for her to have an abortion , but by the time she told her mother it was too late , so she kept the baby .
14 Martin was a close friend of the family as well as his business partner and Varna had been happy for her to go with him .
15 Save The Children Fund and children throughout the world have every reason to be grateful for her unstinting efforts .
16 ‘ Yes , ’ she agreed , though while she felt it would not be right for her to question him about his employer , she could see no reason — since he must be aware of the contents of Ven Gajdusek 's desk diary — for not mentioning , ‘ I came here specifically to interview Mr Gajdusek last Friday , but — ’
17 She did not know whether it would be possible for her to continue in office , such was the damage done to her within her own ministry and her own staff .
18 Tonight there was a moon , starlight even , and he knew that after a few minutes away from the house it would be possible for her to see with surprising clarity ; but moon or no moon , it seemed to make little difference to her and she 'd been spending hours abroad at even the deepest , darkest point in the cycle .
19 She behaved as she had never thought it would be possible for her to behave .
20 While she waited , she had rehearsed what she considered a dignified little speech for Sister Ignatia , explaining that , for this first term , it would not be possible for her to pay the fees in advance , as was customary , but that she would …
21 While we have to accept that some people have had a good go at blowing up the present inhabitant , would it not be simpler for her to emulate a previous incumbent and move up the road to Admiralty House ?
22 While as for herself , surely she already possessed as much as it would be sensible for her to desire ?
23 It seemed such an ineffectual reason for insisting on going with him but Steve was so wrapped up in himself and thoughts of seeing Maria Luisa again that he did n't even ask her if it might be painful for her facing Fernando again .
24 This will be painful for her to endure , and for you to witness , but under normal circumstances it will pass .
25 It also meant that the bathroom would be free for her to wash her hair .
26 R.B. You 're saying you think it would be appropriate for her to interview JNC staff ?
27 ‘ It would be easy for her to become your affair , and that could be tragic for all of you . ’
28 I hope she wo n't relent , for there can be life after divorce and it would be great for her to find a man who would value her and be faithful .
29 However , I suggested that it would be better for her to come back after another week as this would give her time to think over all that had happened , to listen to the cassette if she wished and to continue to practise her relaxation and visualization techniques .
30 ‘ They are Weenie 's plants , she put them in , the social worker said it would be good for her to have something to look after , give her a sense of responsibility , but she does n't do it . ’
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