Example sentences of "[be] [adj] to [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They are right to be so ashamed .
2 You are right to be so .
3 He said the issue would not be posed until 1998 , when Europe 's telecommunications markets are due to be completely opened .
4 If we want to go further back in history ( and are prepared to be suitably eclectic ) we can find a similarly expressed contrast between Roundheads and Cavaliers .
5 Though the trend is one of improvement few City economists are prepared to be more optimistic than Mr Major 's own forecast for next year of £15billion .
6 The art of management , however , was more than the successful bribery of fifty per cent plus one , if for no other reason than the fact that there was never enough of the articles of bribery to employ it on such a scale , even if the voters had been willing to be so bought .
7 But they are wrong to be so forlorn .
8 In it , he argues that women are free to be as nasty , rude , insulting and vicious as they like about men , but the reverse is not true .
9 Does she know that you 've been unfaithful to her once already and are willing to be again — except that this time I 'm not co-operating ?
10 ‘ I am prepared to be less so . ’
11 I am delighted to be here today to open the G M B congress for nineteen ninety three as Deputy M Mayor of this great city of Portsmouth , and not Manchester .
12 My name is Ricky Elliot , I am delighted to be here .
13 I am delighted to be once again working with Eddie Bell . ’
14 There is something impressively strong about all this , even if some would say that , like Diogenes telling Alexander to get out of his light , it looks a little like the strength of those who are content to be emotionally starved .
15 I should n't have been content to be just a wife . ’
16 Equally colleagues , we 're delighted to be here not least because the Labour Party has made significant inroads into Portsmouth .
17 ‘ You 're supposed to be away for the week . ’
18 I 've heard of those they 're supposed to be very very good .
19 they 're dead naff , right , cos Steve Wright in the afternoon as a thing , he says , he says , what do you want Essex girl and he 's said something funny she 'll , she 'll go , you crack me right up you do , you make me crack right up , right and they 're suppose and they are , well I do n't know , but they 're supposed to be really naff
20 They 're supposed to be all right .
21 Oh in Normandy you do n't know , what did sing about , erm , oh Fleur , oh Fleur , yes , all , they 're supposed to be long very beautiful .
22 You 're supposed to be there at half eight are n't you ?
23 Somebody comes quick and wants the caravan they 're supposed to be there ready !
24 They 're likely to be medically related in the main .
25 They 're likely to be geographically dispersed , nationally or internationally .
26 Yes , yes , I think in , I think in general one can certainly say that the more , and this touches on what said about personality types if a personality has a strongly developed superego themselves , they 're likely to be very independent , sometimes to the point of arrogance .
27 You 're lucky to be here Graeme — I heard that the surgeon was an Everton fan !
28 So you 're lucky to be here ?
29 But as far as I 'm concerned , they 're welcome to be here for as long as they need . ’
30 ‘ Show her you 're pleased to be here . ’
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