Example sentences of "[be] [adj] and often [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Prolonged acid contact can cause damage and application should be little and often interspersed by rinsing .
2 Some of these literary elements are part of the language and have their place in standard dictionaries : others are quasi-proverbial and often used without an awareness of their origin .
3 The shacks are constructed out of any materials that are to hand , such as planks , cardboard , canvas , thatch , mud , corregated iron and often rubbish , but these are temporary and often improved upon at a later stage .
4 The tentacle pores of this latter group are open and often armed with small spine-like tentacle scales except in Ophiosparte which has open tentacle pores but a well developed tentacle scale which forms a continuous series with the arm spines .
5 These changes were complex and often confused .
6 The reasons for this are manifold and often rooted in the historic past though , as discussed in section 4.4 , colonialism can not be used perpetually to excuse failure .
7 But , as the arguments of chapter 3 suggest , the passage from government policies for reducing the deficit to concrete cost-cutting measures within the railway enterprises is complex and often beset with contradictions .
8 In years past this contest was unregulated and often resulted in the destruction of large parts of Altdorf and widespread carnage amongst the civilian population .
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