Example sentences of "[be] [adj] and be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Bedrooms are spacious and are traditionally furnished .
2 Our human digestive system has a struggle with such things as alcohol , but we are resilient and are rather good at detoxifying the many dubious substances that we inflict on our long-suffering internal organs .
3 However , this is not due to white cats being stupid or careless mothers , but to the fact that a large proportion of them are deaf and are therefore unaware of the problems of their mewing offspring .
4 Fixed costs are unavoidable and are therefore irrelevant in the decision .
5 They had been orphaned and were so desperate for work that they auditioned while still mourning .
6 These are often run by university extra-mural departments as evening classes ( although daytime courses are held in some areas ) , and the range of courses on offer tends to depend on the lecturers that are available — introductory and basic courses are popular and are quite frequently held .
7 Lumping British art with international modern art under the single roof of the Tate has always been anomalous and is now becoming intolerable .
8 They are unpopular since they are regressive and are poorly related to income .
9 Understanding the quantisation experiments has not been easy and is still controversial .
10 Personal relations among researchers working on Aplysia , and between the Aplysia group in general and those working with other molluscans , such as Dan Alkon and his Woods Hole colleagues studying Hermissenda ( Chapter 7 ) , have not always been easy and were sometimes abrasive , to the extent that they attracted science writer Susan Allport to devote an entire book to them .
11 On 21 July he said : ‘ These breaches are serious and were deliberately committed , quite literally in contempt of this court …
12 Environmental management methods usually require a large workforce , are costly and are generally feasible only in townships and major commercial undertakings vital to the country 's economy , where they may prove more economical in the long run than the recurrent use of insecticides .
13 Thank you Lord , for hearing our prayers for those who have been ill and are now recovering ; thank you for the skills of hospital staff in caring for members of St Leonard 's over the past few weeks .
14 The barbels are long and are very tempting to other fish , which may pick at them , damaging the ends .
15 For example , he has been married and is still on very good terms with his wife ; their divorce unlocked her true potential , and she is now a part-time feminist studies lecturer at SCU .
16 ‘ The bulk of consumers are urban-based and are very busy people .
17 Many non-insulin-dependent subjects are overweight and are therefore likely to be hyperinsulinaemic as a result of insulin resistance .
18 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton : I shall seek to find out the exact number of times and shall write to the Hon. Member , but I think that what I said was absolutely correct : that the sanctions are severe and are rarely used .
19 Peter may have been reluctant and was certainly aware of his shortcomings , but he knew that he was called .
20 As in the case of the classical neurosis , the ego remains weak and ineffectual where the issues of the conflict are concerned and is just as much at its mercy .
21 Unlike both Arctic and long-tailed skuas , which have pointed central feathers , those of the pomarine are spoon-shaped and are very obvious in adult birds .
22 The females are smaller and are more grey in colour with the brown evident on the back .
23 Unless any cash payment is passing which is required by the husband for the purchase of another property , a contract would appear to be unnecessary and is certainly not required if the transaction is to be carried out following a court order ( whether by consent or otherwise ) as application can always be made to the court for the terms of the order to be carried out ( see Chapter 8 ) .
24 It appeared to be British and was probably one of the highly mobile units known as Jock ’ columns which were used to carry out harassing attacks on the German flanks .
25 The Summer Ale is designed to be light and is only about 3.6 per cent alcohol .
26 The distinction between individuals in government and the senior civil service , banks and corporations is often more blurred than in western countries , and therefore this elite tends to form a coherent and powerful set of economic interests , ( although these may be contradictory and are usually very diverse ) and are not only represented in government but often are the government .
27 If symptoms of disease occurred during any five day reintroduction then that particular food was said to be suspect and was temporarily omitted from the diet .
28 There is an increase in risk due to irradiation of the breast , but this is likely to be small and is best estimated from a woman 's age and dose of irradiation .
29 As we have seen elsewhere , the wording of statutes tends to be general and is therefore frequently ambiguous ; thus when a case revolves around what a statute actually says , judges have a good deal of discretion which they will exercise according to their view of what the law requires .
30 Brief counselling , consisting of exploration of symptoms and social difficulties , reassurance and advice , need not be time-consuming and is generally more acceptable to patients than psychotropic drugs ( Catalan et al. 1984a , b ) .
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