Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [conj] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 His eyes blackened angrily and Ruth supposed she had been right and exposed him for what he was — a cool bastard .
2 Chief Superintendent Large had been polite but made it clear that this was a matter for professionals and he had everything sewn up .
3 Thus that dappled skin , peeled from a mutant , both reminded him of how he had been orphaned and reproached him too .
4 ‘ I am delighted and surprised it has happened so quickly , ’ Mr Janner said .
5 The right hon. Member for Cirencester and Tewkesbury ( Mr. Ridley ) , the right hon. Member for Bath ( Mr. Patten ) and now the right hon. Member for Henley ( Mr. Heseltine ) have all been unsuccessful and got it wrong .
6 You can still see it going on today and it still happens does n't it like the Good News Bible if you look at that , I mean this a version of the Bible rewritten , presumably to tell people good news I do n't know , I 've never , never read it but I presume that that 's what the Good News Bible does and we now have countless bibles , where , where , where , where God is , God is female erm my guess is supposing that were the only Bible we had a feminist bible were no other bible and everybody for hundreds of years believed it , my guess is that in the future literary critics and bible critics could study that very carefully and I bet you somewhere there you 'll find internal evidence to show that once God had been male and had his gender changed , I 'm quite sure of it because edit a whole book like the Bible and completely eliminate all the evidence that God was once male would be a very difficult here , here and there you need little bits of evidence and , and again there 's lots of others I 'll mention in the lecture like God 's name .
7 I mean , for instance , if you do the the very high grade Norlands nanny training they go on till they 're grey and experienced it all
8 Nor can Hewlett be dismissed as having been lucky and got it right first time : it did n't .
9 But his form , in an often disappointing side with a fragile back-up , has at times been exceptional and kept him top of the national averages .
10 But had he really been ill or had he been shamming , crafty sick to give himself extra time in Leeds ?
11 Yesterday I said that to you , cos I says oh who 's been good and filled them
12 I am sure that had nothing to do with her withdrawal but the way she did it raised more questions than it answered .
13 I had been happy and thought he would n't mind .
14 A registered elector over the age of twenty-one may be a candidate if not disqualified , but in addition people may stand for election if they have occupied property , been resident or had their main place of work in the area for at least twelve months .
15 I mean , what I want is that she shouts and I shout and she shouts back , then I say I 'm sorry and put my arms round her , then we kiss and make love maybe , and in the end we 're both real people again .
16 He decided to be subtle and closed it very slowly and carefully .
17 But my strongest surviving impression is of a large team of teachers , several of them coming specifically to Banbury to undertake this work and now scattered in headships across the country , determined to carry change through — not because it was imposed by politicians or bureaucrats , but because they believed it to be right and wanted it to work well .
18 The basis for the objections was that the RRA considered the site to be unsuitable and felt it was chosen by the IDA simply because the land was to hand .
19 Blanche decided to be placatory and repeated her apology .
20 ONE of the Spanish flunkies approached the Princess Royal in Barcelona last week when the Royal Box happened to be empty and suggested she sit there .
21 It is more difficult to obtain a conviction under section 14 than under other sections of the Act because the prosecution must show that the defendant either knew the statement to be false or made it recklessly , i.e. regardless of whether it was true or false .
22 In the earlier stages I knew the denial to be conscious and saw it as being some sort of test of my will .
23 It may be legal but did what do you think the chances are that the programmer who created your application anticipated the way that you are trying to use the program .
24 The high court decision , announced at the end of December in that year , found on behalf of SPUC and declared such counselling by the Dublin Well Woman Centre and the Open Line counselling service to be illegal and ordered them to cease their public information service on the issue by 12 January 1987 .
25 I said I would be good and thanked him , and then quite unexpectedly he bent down and kissed my cheek and turned and abruptly left .
26 I was bewitched by her , I think to be freer than became me , though I had no intention to carry the jest further .
27 Secure in his job , with a growing international reputation , and uxoriously contented with his comely Sophie , lie knew himself to be successful and suspected himself to be happy .
28 Indeed , too overt an attempt to so could well be counterproductive and lay them open to the charge of meddling .
29 I decided to be tactful and told him he would no longer be considered for the team because he is complete and utter rubbish .
30 Though his critics maintain they were trying to be constructive and wanted him to stay , Sutton was convinced that the criticism had been organized in advance as a warning that if he did not go , as Pilger was demanding , they would make life hell for him .
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