Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [conj] [to-vb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This latter consideration seems to be especially important , since fluctuations in headhunting usage by clients would appear not to be constant but to rise and fall with internal and external changes in demand for staff , as one would expect .
2 Mr Ashdown reaffirmed his willingness to be flexible and to compromise if it came to negotiating with a minority government of either hue .
3 It may just be a question of getting up ten minutes earlier in the morning or taking ten minutes when you get in from work to be alone and to reflect and relax .
4 In fact we were undecided whether to stop and do , do tomorrow 's shopping were n't we ?
5 It 's important though to remember that the value of the investment itself will fluctuate so you can not be certain of getting capital back intact .
6 To quench is more than to refresh although our lying , lascivious eyes tell us the two are the same .
7 This is weaker because to say that A — M would not be true if N is false is not to say that they could not be true if N is false , as the stronger account demands .
8 The answer too is other than to try and work towards the two communities will agree on something and that 's how your how you 'll like it .
9 It is true that to discover that an object has a particular fractal dimension D is a valuable addition to knowledge and replaces earlier imprecise characterisations such as ‘ spotty ’ , ‘ stringy ’ or ‘ lumpy ’ .
10 But what was easier than to assume that those who represented the stage of childhood or adolescence in the development of civilisation were themselves ‘ child-like ’ and had to be treated like children by their mature ‘ parents ’ ?
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