Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [conj] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly many are dissatisfied and feel that they can point to declining standards ( e.g. in the numeracy of engineering apprentices ) , but this situation is more likely to reflect changing social patterns of recruitment rather than a real decline in ‘ educational standards ’ .
2 Now I am 74 and think that i understand it but wish that I did not .
3 The streets are narrow and twist and turn and it is not advisable to take a car up them .
4 Certainly , those who aim to buy when prices are low and sell when they are high can find plenty of Peps where the unit or share price now stands below its former peak .
5 The associations are strong and graded and are independent of social class , either at birth or currently , and of influences in adult lifestyle such as smoking and alcohol consumption .
6 Yeah well on what people have said I I think that er there 's a possibility that er if Stuart and myself get together with the officers concerned that we if these trees are pruned and trimmed as they they 're saying they 're over overgrown at the moment surely that would cut them down in size and if they 're regular pruned every so many years they wo n't they wo n't be a nuisance I do n't think in future years .
7 Are racial double standards ( viz. , good/bad natives ) and double binds ( damned if you are different and damned if you are like the master race ) a function of this contradictory or dual relation to the Other ?
8 The first time my mother had been indignant and remarked that Syl had no right to disappear for the evening without telling us where he was going .
9 It had been bored or dug or had occurred naturally at an incline of about thirty degrees , so that all the way down into the mine , holding onto the rope , they had had purchase for their feet , had almost been able to walk don , though describing it thus made a dull and orthodox act of what had been the great adventure of their boyhood .
10 is part of which I think is just ridiculous and will be a nice well meaning democratic tolerant guy in but considering the history of those two countries I rather doubt it erm and I , I think the best way of securing er the safety of that population is actually to change the border before the borders are are fixed and settled and before these countries actually become independent .
11 He told people of a bag he 'd lent to her and which was found with her body ; He said his fingerprints would be all over his wife 's cars steering wheel ; and he told the police she 's been violent and upset when he left him .
12 If you begin by believing that everyone 's looks are individual and accepting that there are some colours or product formulations that people just do n't like , then you have to start from a completely different selling point than the traditional cosmetic houses .
13 Platt , who has yet to make his Italian League debut for Juventus , said : ‘ My nose has been X-rayed and confirmed as broken , although I thought I was fit enough to play today .
14 See they 're washed and cleaned and everything , if they get dirty or rain or wet .
15 You 're wet and shivering as it is .
16 They 're dark and upholstered and warm as the womb .
17 But i you have , I 'm sure to go to people and not be at all surprised if some people you can never raise the enthusiasm , because that 's human nature , and you accept human nature as it is , but if you 're positive and encourage and lead without being coercive to a high degree , I think you get more responses .
18 Autobiography is when you 're dead and gone and they write about you .
19 ‘ If they 're northern-born and bred and happen to live elsewhere , they should still have the opportunity to play for the North .
20 There are 8 arm spines proximally , 6 distally , the dorsalmost of which are smooth and rounded while the ventral ones are flattened with a comb-like proximal edge .
21 It should have been cold and raining as befitted a funeral .
22 There is no doubt about the high quality of housing stock that has been built by the Housing Executive in Northern Ireland and every time I see it I am envious and wish that I had some of it in Wigan .
23 The idea of the futile brave attempt to soften the life up here — for it would have been hard and isolated when the house was built and savage in the winter — trying to set a garden on this soil , in this salt air , appealed to her .
24 He agreed that this advice had been good but said that things had now gone too far .
25 Probably the whole house had been cosy and well-run when these ladies had been in their prime .
26 I know the strain has been great because operating as you do entails the most constant vigilance and cunning which no other troops are called upon to display . ’
27 How much the cost estimates are padded or pared and how much profit is built in will reflect the company trading position as much as its technical ability .
28 If it had been grey and raining and chilly he might have taken one look at Wyvis Hall and turned tail and fled to Crete or Delos or somewhere .
29 Nevertheless , our results are important and suggest that discrimination does take place against ethnic minorities , apparently at shortlisting .
30 Conversely all products are safe if handled and used correctly .
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