Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [conj] it has " in BNC.

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1 Fifteen Para , which has its headquarters in my constituency , was being marched to oblivion until public opinion brought itself to bear on the Ministry , and I am grateful that it has taken a step backwards , but we still do not know what size that step is .
2 I am sorry that it has taken longer to respond to your recent telephone call than I had expected , but I have now examined all the papers relating to this matter and have re-visited Captains Road .
3 ‘ We have had our differences and I am sorry if it has caused offence . ’
4 I am afraid that it has not been a success and that has certainly not been for want of effort from him but I think we just have to write that one off .
5 But , he added , ‘ I am delighted that it has stood the test of time and that its few critics have at least remained silent .
6 I am delighted that it has now decided to co-operate with the Government and solve a problem that I brought the regional affairs committee of the European Parliament over to look at 14 years ago .
7 That is critical and I am delighted that it has found its way into the treaty with powerful German support .
8 Hibernia is a complex , challenging and difficult contract , and I am delighted that it has restarted and we look forward to making a significant contribution to this major international project .
9 We pray for those who are sad because it has been the first Christmas without a loved one , and who grieve with their memories .
10 In other words the limits on the knowing subject 's cognition are such that it has to be mediated in a social and discursive context for anything like truth to be achieved :
11 Organ jazz has for a long time been club-trendy but it has taken until now for a new artist to come through to match the likes of Jimmy Smith and ‘ Big ’ John Patton with whom she shares a clear affinity in her choice of rhythms and blues inflections .
12 ‘ I have been lucky when it has come to the crunch but in life you make your own luck .
13 It is recognised in planning circles that planning applications for fish and chip shops are contentious and it has been said that whilst ‘ Joe Public wants hot food shops he does not want them near him and he is prepared to fight tooth and nail to stop anyone opening one near his house ’ .
14 Often this has been because THE new housing market has been buoyant and it has been acknowledged that this market can not be missed as , at best , it is lost for a CONSIDERABLE time .
15 Like the insect , its span has been short and it has already been superseded by the Double Whammy campaign .
16 The MPs called on health boards to act quickly to ensure adequate cover in a number of important related areas and said : ‘ We are concerned that it has taken so long to achieve such important improvements in the balance of medical staffing . ’
17 It is quite clear , sir , that on the existing allocations , thirteen years to go , that the figure of nine thousand seven hundred dwellings , if you want to stick by that figure , my view it should be lower because it has too much an assumption for migration in a constrained area , if you want to stick by that figure , the nine thousand seven hundred will be reached without a new settlement , of that I have no doubt whatsoever .
18 The contracting phase will be unsuitable because it has no strong thermodynamic arrow of time .
19 Perhaps , in this fictional world ( it must be fictional if it has dragons in it ) the knight is seeking a magic pineapple , hoarded in a dragon 's cave .
20 I ask the House to be careful when it has one of its own Members in its charge .
21 It is likely that under those agreements extradition within Europe would in future be easier than it has been in the past , which I think the hon. Gentleman would welcome .
22 The present system may not be perfect but it has worked pretty well and would be capable of improvement and adjustment without the need to go back to the drawing board . ’
23 To be effective , an innovation has to be simple and it has to be focused .
24 Later Macmillan was reputed to have defended his decision in a sentence which is likely to be authentic because it has the Macmillan ring : ‘ I thought we had had enough of Martha and it was time for some Mary. ,
25 The value charge of such a word reflects the mores of the language users , and they may be unaware that it has two distinguishable components to its meaning .
26 If merely set at a given focal length , the zoom lens will simply act as a normal though infinitely variable lens ( between its limits ) and the viewer will be unaware that it has been used at all .
27 He called for a reduction in the special car tax , and I am sure that he will be delighted that it has been halved .
28 Imaginative and incalculable youth , which clamours for the moon and may not be content till it has damaged most of the street lamps . ’
29 We consider database to be online because it has a number of distinct features functionality .
30 However , we can not even be sure that it has got the causal effects absolutely right .
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