Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The feet of Stewpid are right behind me now , pounding louder than my heart beats .
2 You can not see the bearers until they are right by you so the effect is of the person floating on air as he passes along the heads of the crowd and leans over to shake hands .
3 Again , he has been prepared to be physical when the necessity arose while his choice of options has been admirable for one so short of international experience .
4 ‘ Our hearts are sore with yours this day , Duart .
5 ( The court also looked at the methodology and decided that the expert had been right about it anyway . )
6 ‘ Just as it might have been possible for you also , madame , ’ he had said .
7 Mm , just got to go and sort them out , hang on I 'm coming up , I do n't know why you did n't go in the downstairs toilet , it would of been easier for me then would n't it ?
8 Some visually handicapped children will overcome their difficulties so well that they are indistinguishable from their fully sighted classmates , but the effort needed may have a cost for them that is not always appreciated .
9 After all , she had been wrong about everything else .
10 Sanders is a muddled old chap , but I do n't think he could have been wrong about anything as fundamental as that .
11 People are afraid of themselves today .
12 What are some of them though Mum ?
13 Around the catafalque are some of his most powerful magical items , which lie scattered around in a strange quasi-circular pattern as if they were being drawn to the catafalque in a spiralling motion and suddenly stopped .
14 Involvement in the Christmas show ( lighting and sound ) and the school 's sailing club are some of his more recent activities .
15 Members of these covens are usually ‘ nominal ’ witches who pay only lip-service to the dogmas and are interested in it only for the kicks it provides .
16 I wait to see how long you can control your imbecile temptation to violate my copyrights on this letter and once again untruthfully take words and phrases from it to show your ‘ powers ’ to match those boasted by your kind in the NF and the BNP , whose performances are different from yours only in that instead of using your limbs to physically assault us like they would , you have acted by wearing the ‘ civilised ’ guise of being the ‘ editor ’ of the ‘ left ’ NewSS , and have written to assail my integrity , my capacity to think , my freedom to defend and speak for my constitutionally organised members at the Stratford school .
17 I am delighted with my recently purchased 1985 Ninety truck cab , but for the door keeps .
18 Er , there 's something that 's me that survives these different changes of location erm age and size erm all kinds of things are consistent with it still being me that 's doing the changing rather than my having been replaced by something else .
19 ‘ It ca n't have been easy for them either over the past week , not knowing who they 'd be playing . ’
20 It would have been easy for me just to put off the difficult decisions we need to take , but I must do what is right for this country .
21 The transition from the Moscow classroom , to Wycombe High School could not — and should not — have been easy for one so young .
22 They have yet to learn what thinking people who are honest with themselves already know , namely , that all history shows that none of the worshipped ‘ gods ’ has ever directly provided anything .
23 So there are six of us here it 's none for you , none for you , none for you , none for you , none for you and none for me how many altogether ?
24 Okay now there are six of us how many twelfths will we get there are twelve of them .
25 Yeah well you you know I 've been in there on a Saturday morning when there 's been six of us there and one bloke serving , you know , I mean
26 A huge , icing-covered cake with a welcome-home message from airport staff greeted the plucky youngster on her arrival and she quickly tucked into the tasty treat — something that would have been impossible for her just a few months ago .
27 Oh they 're used to it then .
28 We 're used to it now , of course , but at the time it seemed rather exciting .
29 Until this weather changes you 're marooned with me here , anyway .
30 ‘ And you 're wrong about me too , ’ he continued evenly .
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