Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [coord] it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However , the SFO 's handling of its investigations has hardly been consistent and it already has set a precedent for the Barrowclough report to be published in full .
2 Anything less than sixty hectares would be unrealistic and it certainly wo n't allow us any flexibility at all to allocate erm sufficient land as we see it to meet the needs of the resident population , and there would in fact be a shortfall er of employment land provision in our view towards the end of the plan period .
3 Everyone will be embarrassed and it rarely helps .
4 This was the first time and it was pressure of work that we have n't done it for you to see it earlier , this is not normal so just forgive this one time and we need n't spend any more thought on it because next time it it going to be different and it always has been different .
5 Hence ( see 1.9 ) unc must also be diagonal and it then follows that unc is also diagonal .
6 The story may be apocryphal but it neatly illustrates the role of the catalyst .
7 Does n't have to be current but it usually is .
8 That may , in some respects , be healthy but it also has to be said that those reticences marked a division between private and public spheres which may have made compromise possible .
9 Not only does it ignore the sense in which suffering can be unwitting but it also begs the question in favour of saying , when specific symptoms like struggling or urination occur in animals , that these are properly to be seen as , emotional responses ' ( which covertly elicits our sympathy for the conscious distress of the stricken human parent rather than the symptoms of it observed in the struggling , yet unaware , athlete ) .
10 ‘ After all , cricket is meant to be above all that — playing sport should be fun and it certainly is n't when you are confined to your hotel all the time . ’
11 On the other hand training is always vulnerable because the benefits are long-term and it often needs protection from the demands of management and operations where there are other priorities .
12 Yes , this is possible and it even has a name : superfecundation .
13 ‘ Participation ’ is another but it also has other sources .
14 Meanwhile , contradictory reactions by the authorities in various parts of East Germany continued , reinforcing the suspicion among experts in Bonn that the party leadership 's authority is crumbling and it no longer has a firm grip on the situation .
15 This last choice is desirable but it only delays things so far as getting home is concerned , since the forest road stops on the frontier some three miles away , and there you can but turn round .
16 My dynamo has been dodgy and it finally packed up .
17 Within ten minutes the shark was visible but it then set off on a strong deep dive taking 100 yards of line despite a heavy drag setting .
18 At first that change was gradual but it soon accelerated .
19 I was impressed and it also gave me a lot of momentum for the album .
20 Compared to the influence of personal partisan prejudice the influence of the media on economic perceptions was small but it also increased towards the end of the campaign , especially amongst Labour readers of right-wing papers .
21 She 'd overcome it by the time she was eighteen but it still surfaced when she got excited about something . ’
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