Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [coord] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The entrance and main public areas are spacious and tastefully furnished , and in the gardens are located a large outdoor swimming pool , snack bar and tennis courts .
2 It is full air-conditioned ( at the management 's discretion ) and its public rooms are spacious and tastefully furnished in typical Italian style .
3 The apartments were built only two years ago , and are spacious and attractively furnished .
4 All bedrooms are spacious and impeccably decorated , and the hotel 's swift and efficient service is renowned .
5 Since then it has turned up in Kenyan tobacco plantations where safety precautions are impractical and widely ignored .
6 The results are terse and sharply etched , like the best line drawings .
7 World Bank and EC assistance has encouraged the expansion of ranching into areas which are unsuitable and easily degraded , the study found .
8 Critics treat male and female artists in a different way — as if women are emotional and highly strung and men are dour and tortured artists !
9 Melancholic : these are timid and easily frightened .
10 performance will improve if goals are specific and jointly set
11 The questions are concise and well worded so as to avoid endless lists of fact gathering queries .
12 They are broad and slightly flattened with blunt tips , some may have a small distal directed hook at the tip .
13 Among these fish are a number of vital breeding projects , containing fish like Skiffia francesae that are extinct or extremely threatened in the wild .
14 The fences start off small but are solid and brightly coloured , with lots of fillers , and the school is big enough for the largest horses .
15 The graphics are clear and well defined with some excellent backgrounds , while the sound is suitably atmospheric .
16 to update provision to take account of SCOTVEC requirements for writing module descriptors as detailed in the document The National Certificate — Guidelines for Module Writers , to ensure that statements of national standards are clear and well formed .
17 Still pictures in freeze frame are clear and sharply defined .
18 Studies from the community are few and predominantly based on single practices .
19 In the diagrams the applied forces are linear and uniformly distributed for simplicity 's sake ; however this need not be the case .
20 The pig 's range is usually given as Java , Madura and Bawean , but you can subtract Madura now , since that 's been deforested and thus depigged ( de-everythinged , in fact ) .
21 Country houses that have lost their contents and are empty and even abandoned .
22 Many elements of marine aquarium care are interdependent and inexorably entwined .
23 All the bedrooms ( price A ) are light and comfortably furnished with colour TV , mini-bar , hair dryer , air-conditioning , balcony and sea view .
24 These are just arbitrary conventions : they could have been different and still remained biologically realistic .
25 Thirdly , it should be noted that the proportion of university graduates entering permanent employment itself varies from subject to subject ( see AGCAS , annual ) between about 40 and 75 per cent of all graduates in that subject , with a mean of 56 per cent ; the remainder go into short-term or overseas employment , further research or training , are unemployed or otherwise classified ( 1987 figures ) .
26 Of ‘ good children 's books ’ , Lillian Smith ( 1953 , p. 16 ) has said , ‘ Their values are sound and directly put .
27 The lack of good results is here explained by faulty equipment ( an explanation also offered to me by other students ) ; however , students gain higher marks for lab work if the results are ‘ correct ’ than if they are wrong but adequately accounted for :
28 But if it is experienced as hostile , it may provoke the carer into actions which are atypical and frequently followed by remorse and guilt .
29 To be sure , the philosophical bases of these tendencies are distinct and even opposed .
30 All the graphics on the control panel are simple and easily seen , and all the controls have easy-to-understand precision markings .
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