Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] [be] that " in BNC.

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1 But I think one of the things that men are afraid of is that when women get into the things the attitudes change , as we were saying about bigotry and religion and so on with football , I do n't think that men want that because this is the perfect club they can enjoy and indulge all that , but if women really get into it the thing will change as society does .
2 ‘ All I am interested in is that our records sound good to my ears .
3 you see , but B T are not interested in that , all they 're interested in is that the wiring 's , you know that the boards are
4 That 's right yes , er vivisection is erm well actually to do with the cutting up of animals is n't it , testing , things like cosmetics , medicine medicines and so on , on animals and if you 're anti to be that you 're against it .
5 All I am sure of is that in the face of that child , as he lay dead upon the couch , I saw something of my own future .
6 One thing I am sure of is that would agree that the job of Treasurer of the Bar Council would be quite impossible without the daily support and guidance of the Chief Executive and of his Finance Officer , , and his deputy , .
7 ‘ One thing I 've not been happy with is that I 've played so well during the practices , and whenever I step onto the court for a match there 's a bit missing from what I can do .
8 ‘ What people are concerned about is that , if they train certifieds or AATs , they do n't have to cope with the bureaucracy , they do n't have to be formal training offices and so they do n't have to be quite so concerned that they have to provide the right sort of additional courses for people to attend to back up their exams .
9 What the child reader must be alive to is that the questions are in Carrie 's mind .
10 I think there 's a danger that you can go over the top with praise , in that you 're anxious to give quality feedback , the thing that you have to be careful with is that it 's not just meaningless like that , because that can be just as bad as giving negative feedback .
11 The only thing you have to be careful of is that the hardcard is thin enough not to obscure too many of the very few slots that the 2000 series has .
12 One of the things that we need to be clear about is that erm computers are not unlike us .
13 Erm all I 'm sure about is that there was this change going on in the rurar econ
14 One thing you can be sure of is that the panel will know the words of these characters very well ( they will probably be able to prompt you at any given moment should you ‘ dry ’ ) but each and every time the lines are spoken by a new voice they are different in their texture , humour , drama and music .
15 The only thing you can be sure of is that US interest will always come first .
16 What we can be sure of is that Tangshan rates as no more than third in the cataclysmic league .
17 Olson , for instance , does admit at one point that all we can really be sure of is that some academics have made claims for objectivity while the question of assessing those claims is a different matter :
18 The present evidence therefore suggests that the universe will probably expand forever , but all we can really be sure of is that even if the universe is going to recollapse , it wo n't do so for at least another ten thousand million years , since it has already been expanding for at least that long .
19 The first thing we must er be sure of is that the coefficients within the sample are reasonably , er reasonably constant , right .
20 ‘ I know now to expect the unexpected , but the one thing I can be sure of is that we all have lots of laughs making the show . ’
21 What Lupus could be sure of was that invitations would be sent : the attendance-lists of assemblies are evidence of invitations received and obeyed .
22 Well er to me it does n't matter s er that much , what I 'm concerned about is that this is a matter of public interest , it should n't just be a matter of professional interest and it 's for these reasons I think the government should take a rather more lively interest er than perhaps it does .
23 One thing to be thankful for was that no more could get in .
24 You see er what I 'm worried about is that erm basically I wanted to see you first before I even answered it before I phoned them up and say yeah okay or wha what have you .
25 What we need to be certain about is that whatever society is involved in or whatever organisation is involved in balloting that it should be seen to be done properly .
26 One thing I can be certain of is that we have all been involved in rows , misunderstandings and quarrels .
27 Er , we did it erm , er just after 1919 when er , er we started backing the white Russians and erm , before we write off erm everything the Communist er Government of er Russia has done over the last seventy years as being evil , what I think we 've got to be aware of is that we may once more be unleashing the forces of nationalism , which in 1914 , and I think of going up er in the period in the thirties very much lead to erm two world wars , and er I 'd like to know more about er some of the forces the so called democratic forces that are backing erm Mr Yeltsin .
28 For , trying to analyse why she should want to see him again so badly , she realised that the only thing she could be positive of was that her wanting to see him again had nothing whatsoever to do with that infernal interview !
29 What most Directors of Social Services are worried about is that the group of children that we 're now finding in children 's homes , are so disturbed , because of their past family backgrounds er and so , so problematic er with their behaviour , er that they 're now concerned to make sure that the children 's homes of the future are properly geared up to deal with the very difficult group of children .
30 What we as a family were unanimous about was that he adopted no pose of being the distinguished writer , and even gave the impression that he much preferred not to be treated as such .
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