Example sentences of "[be] [verb] if it [is] " in BNC.

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1 and sometimes it 's , it 's , it 's er rather than ring up , write a letter , cos it 's surprising how differently things are treated if it 's in writing .
2 Okay , so the gradient which shows you how fast they 're going If it 's more or less horizontal , they 're still .
3 Its lateral line should enable it to survive and eat , but even this may have been affected if it is bumping into things .
4 We are we are very close now to completing the final lease agreement with Moat erm as we 're not quite there yet I 'm I 'm gon na be suggesting if it 's possible to er , amend er one of the recommendations er , recommendation B , er , to take note of the facts that we quite er , finalised the agreement yet erm I wanted to try and get in line with the er , programme for the recommendation which came out of Great Parndon Neighbourhood Committee .
5 Photography is extremely expensive and should only be undertaken if it is necessary — which is not the same as being marginally useful or pleasant .
6 They can be sacked If it 's less than two years they 've been working , they can be sacked at a weeks notice or whatever it is .
7 ( The discrepancy could perhaps be explained if it is assumed that there is also a weak preference to continue with the first-named character . )
8 Straightforward leave applications are often decided without an oral hearing ; but even when there is a hearing in order to clarify issues , leave proceedings are meant to be very brief : a recent practice statement requires special notice to be given if it is anticipated that the leave application will last for more than 30 minutes .
9 The sculpture received a fresh coat of paint in 1975 and will be repainted if it is scratched or damaged .
10 Any programme targeted on an explicit need can be justified if it is followed through with adequate resources .
11 Such treatment can only be justified if it is necessary to give a true and fair view .
12 Nor can generalised criticism be justified if it is based on one isolated incident .
13 Where such a movement has occurred , or there has been rumour and speculation , the Panel should be consulted if it is proposed not to make an immediate announcement .
14 The second meaning may be termed the ‘ substantive sense ’ of unreasonableness : a decision may be attacked if it is so unreasonable that no reasonable public body could have made it .
15 Because mathematical skills are perceived as being easy to define and to recognise , and because such skills are perceived to be relevant , schools may be attacked if it is believed that they are not teaching such skills effectively .
16 Photographic and/or medical evidence could be considered if it is thought that the injuries would be difficult to prove .
17 Property rental income net of rates and other outgoings should be disclosed if it is a material part of total revenue .
18 If a dispute does arise , it can quickly be resolved if it is clear ( 1 ) that the terms cover the situation in question , ( 2 ) what the terms mean and ( 3 ) what the effect of the terms is .
19 Cleaning tools and equipment : may be disinfected if it is necessary to prevent them from becoming vehicles of contamination .
20 A small number of faint grid lines ( or lines of white space on solid bar charts ) may sometimes be added if it is important that the reader should be able to gauge precisely the level of particular points .
21 Equipment should not be installed if it is likely to give rise to legionnaire 's disease .
22 The Code provides that the search should be discontinued if it is clear that the goods are not on the premises unless the police have the right to continue the search under different power .
23 Crisis Loans — these interest free loans may be made if it is the only way of avoiding serious risk to the health and safety of you or your family .
24 An order under section 2 may also not be made if it is shown that the request infringes the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom or is otherwise prejudicial to the United Kingdom ; on these matters a certificate of the Secretary of State is conclusive .
25 The maximum loss ( C + P ) is incurred if the share price is equal to the exercise price at expiry but profits will be made if it is lower than E - C - P and if it rises above E + C + P. This is plainly superior to the reverse butterfly spread illustrated in Fig. 7.10(b) as there are no restrictions upon the potential profit ( only in the case of a security price fall where the maximum profit will be E - P - C , but which is still superior to the profit made in the same event with the reverse butterfly spread ) .
26 Wholesale changes will need to be made if it is to administer a new form of tax as well .
27 An election made after the two-year statutory time limit , but as soon as possible given the circumstances , will be accepted if it is made because a relevant and uncorrected Revenue error has resulted in the partners or their agent being misled about whether the requirements of the legislation have been met .
28 After the anti-war protests of the 1960s , the university forbids classified research — but weapons work can be done if it is publishable .
29 It must be taxed if it 's on
30 The transponders can sound an alarm if the animal is killed and can also be implanted in the rhino 's horn , allowing it , and the poachers , to be tracked if it is cut off .
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