Example sentences of "[be] [verb] as [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Before he had even set off , however , Pliny the Elder received urgent requests for help from people living nearer the volcano , so his trip which had been intended as something of a scientific investigation rapidly became a rescue mission .
2 The teaching role of the staff nurse or equivalent clinical practitioner may have been seen as something of a Cinderella when compared with the traditional tasks of care giving and developing managerial expertise .
3 These measures could quite justifiably be regarded as something of a sledgehammer to crack a very small nut , since they are intended to deal with a problem the existence of which is almost totally unproven .
4 In particular , TV buying has come in recent years to be regarded as something of a separate skill — arguably to the detriment of the media operations of agencies as a whole .
5 The fact that the collection takes up some 8M of disk space may also be regarded as something of a stumbling block …
6 To be patronised in a cloying , concerned manner , to be thought of as diseased or unclean , the result of some awful sin and therefore to be regarded as someone without hope — was her situation better than mine or worse ?
7 In the light of what was to happen in the next few years , defeat by just 2–0 may be seen as something of a triumph , especially in view of the two traumas that occurred .
8 It may even be that the indiscriminacy of some of the air operations in the Second World War will come to be seen as something of a historical aberration , and a mere temporary consequence of the undeveloped state of the arts of target acquisition and guidance .
9 He is the first investment analyst to be charged with insider dealing , and as a result his trial will be seen as something of a test case in the City , especially as legislation is currently going through Parliament to extend the scope of insider dealing .
10 As Mr Charles described it , all three passengers seemed to be overcome as one by the realization of what an imposing physical force my father was .
11 By implication , Levitt takes the view that a global market should be viewed as one with particular market segments that may bear little or no relationship to geographical boundaries .
12 The result is becoming too impenetrable to be viewed as anything but a plot against the public .
13 This debate can be taken as something of a dry-run of the political battle should a formal request for really massive aid be delivered .
14 The division might more accurately be described as one between ‘ reactionary conservatives ’ and ‘ liberal conservatives ’ with hardly half-a-dozen genuine radicals in the Council chamber ( Archbishop Roberts was never once permitted to speak ! ) .
15 They were portrayed as somebody above us — and once it was seen they are not , everyone could see they are like the rest of us .
16 Then it is also objected that utilitarian thinking , which has reached its apotheosis in modern cost benefit analysis , regards all values as commensurable , and therefore thinks of every harm as something which can be compensated for , reaching , it is felt , particularly repellent extremes when the value of a human life is calculated as something to be set against the goods achieved by a motorway or by economy in safety precautions at a factory .
17 One positive approach to the acceptance of other special equipment is to explain its use to fully sighted pupils , let them see it and use it so that it is regarded as something of interest to everyone .
18 While dermatology is regarded as something of a Cinderella subject in medicine — in Oxford at least , skin patients are being treated in the most up-to-the-minute facilities .
19 Because the budget speech is regarded as something of a marathon , the Chancellor of the Exchequer — and only the Chancellor — is by tradition allowed on Budget day to bring alcohol into the chamber of the House .
20 FAST 's biosociety is seen as something to be achieved within existing relations of production .
21 Thus reading is seen as something like ‘ thinking under the stimulus of print ’ , with the reader — rather than the text — being at the core of the process :
22 The Merlin sleeping bag is rated as one to two season and comes with a well designed zip .
23 In five years a machine is counted as nothing in the balance sheet , but people count and age makes them more experienced , gives them better judgement — if they 're capable of learning , which most people are .
24 In Marxist thought and practice this relation is posed as one between class and party , and it has been a matter of controversy since the end of the nineteenth century , expressed in the most diverse forms , extending from Michels ' reflections upon the ‘ iron law of oligarchy ’ to Lenin 's conception of the Bolshevik Party , theoretically elaborated by Lukács .
25 For rule utilitarianism , in contrast , once a rule is shown to be felicific , it is established as something to be obeyed , unless perhaps in very special cases , and is not to be considered merely as one factor to be weighed against others .
26 Ede was no innovator , and the Bill was regarded as something of a disappointment by some of his Party colleagues , in the Cabinet as well as on the backbenches .
27 The Romantic enthusiasm for the wilderness co-existed with a more practical attitude in which Nature was seen as something to be explored and catalogued .
28 It was seen as something to be avoided at all costs .
29 For the study , a fast food outlet was defined as one with highly systemised operations , normally with counter service , and a high volume of customers .
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