Example sentences of "[be] [verb] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You react like one when you burn the toast , so why should n't you react like one when you are pitching for a new account ?
2 There were two posts allocated for social workers , but these had not been filled for a long time .
3 Upton won their first game since the opening day of the season when they routed Winnington Park for 64 the season 's lowest score with groundsman Alex Kegg taking 4–18 after Upton had been dismissed for a modest 128 .
4 It endorsed British industry 's achievements under the policies that we have been pursuing for the past 12 years , urged us to continue and build upon them in future and condemned utterly the sort of policies still advocated by the Labour party , which is stuck in a mind-set of the 1960s and 1970s .
5 The purpose of an audit mark or stamp on clients ' documents is twofold : it provides evidence that the document has been examined for a particular purpose ( which should be clear from the audit file ) ; and it helps to avoid the document 's being re-presented as support for a duplicate entry .
6 The main advantage of panels is that they provide feedback over a period of time , which increases the reliability of their responses compared with people who may have been stopped for a brief interview outside their local supermarket , for example .
7 Police violence against members of racial minorities became a national issue following the widespread broadcast on television of an amateur video showing white Los Angeles policemen brutally beating a black man who had been stopped for an alleged driving offence on March 3 .
8 I did not tell him that his imitation of the French was far more like what I had been seeing for the past year .
9 Bearing in mind the fact that my constituents want a reliable and quality service , will he take steps today to confirm that the orders that are placed for the new Networker rolling stock will be supplied in the near future , for the betterment of the north-west Kent commuter ?
10 A LIFEBOAT crew has been honoured for a daring rescue on the Cleveland coast .
11 The Redcar crew have already been honoured for a daring rescue earlier this year .
12 The quantities for most of the meals on the following pages are given for a single portion .
13 Separate codes are given for the various mixed degrees which are on offer .
14 These data are given for the post-war period in Figure 2.1 .
15 She had been intended for a respectable life .
16 More important , he set about gathering the Wordsworths into the Quantock fold , hastening a visit which must in any case have been intended for the near future .
17 Eminent scientists are clamouring for an outright ban on all chlorine substances .
18 Tint the undercoat with whatever you are using for the final colour and you will get a good , even finish .
19 This has been recognized for a long time .
20 Conversation with Alexei had been limited for the past day to standard matters of duty , and since he had not been able to think of anything which he could say to change his son 's attitude , he had allowed himself to accept that the state of affairs which existed between them was likely to be permanent .
21 Mr Lindsey said that , from 5 January , S&P were offering a variable Tessa paying an initial 7.5% , against the fixed rate version at 5.875% , which is slightly higher than the average that S&P , as a group , has been forecasting for the financial year beginning in April 1993 .
22 For any given program there is an optimum or efficient memory usage for an environment in which many programs are competing for the limited available real memory .
23 Sheffield Steelers are sweeping the opposition aside in their bid to gain league entry , while Trafford Metros , Medway Bears and Streatham Redskins are competing for the other vacancy .
24 Second , the fall in unemployment adds something to the theory that the economy has in fact been recovering for a good deal longer than generally realised .
25 I HAVE been treated for a particular medical condition since childhood .
26 I HAVE been treated for a particular medical condition since childhood .
27 Erm elsewhere in my statement I have indicated an appropriate provision of employment land which is related to the population size which we are suggesting for the new settlement .
28 Gorbachev , speaking at the closing ceremony , acknowledged that there were basic disagreements between the two sides , but thought the meeting had created ‘ opportunities for progress ’ ; Reagan thought that ‘ useful preliminary results ’ had been achieved , and hoped that further progress would be achieved at the meeting that had been arranged for the following year .
29 The following CAA Safety Evenings have been arranged for the coming months :
30 There , temporary accommodation had been arranged for the rescued sect personnel in the local church hall and community centre , and for the captured heavies in the town jailhouse .
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