Example sentences of "[be] [verb] to [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 Technology suppliers to the British hotel and restaurant industry say that their products are often under-exploited , because too little thought has been given to what the systems are supposed to achieve and too low a priority is given to staff training .
2 But to my mind the boy could begin by showing more respect altogether to people like your father who have been listening to what the League says about the problems of the land and the bosses and the conditions of the men and women who work on it .
3 Kendall ( 1986 ) reminds us that accidents in infancy are related to what the child can do , so are related to stage of development , and quotes the relative incidence :
4 I am listening to what the Lord God is saying ; he promises peace to us , his own people , if we do not go back to our foolish ways .
5 Response : I am listening to what the Lord God is saying ; he promises peace to us , his own people , if we do not go back to our foolish ways .
6 The traditional Keynesian view of the conduct of monetary policy has been to assign to it the role of interest rate and/or exchange rate stabilization .
7 ‘ Our product and service standards are geared to what the customer requires , not set in concrete , ’ says ‘ The standard of service is set by the guest .
8 Quality is the most important factor since your brickwork will be exposed to everything the elements can throw at it .
9 But these descriptions should be confined to what the heroine sees after her adventure had begun , and in them you want to aim for reality without its customary tackiness .
10 If it can be proved that the pattern exists , then there is a strong possibility that by tracing this pattern , certain locations will be revealed to which the metal detectorist would be well-advised to direct his search .
11 Customer research is important , too : the product or service must be geared to what the customer actually needs .
12 So he ordered to be brought to him the finest silk cloth and brilliant threads , and made for pleasure what he had once needed to make for harsh necessity .
13 No , well I 'm I 'm saying to you the same sort of things , in general skills and abilities there are certain things that we required to put in the er numeracy the literacy er , to some degree attendance and punctuality , although we do n't have to do it on a subject specific basis erm we , everybody wants to know about he young , ho whether their youngsters are trying i.e. effort ha , whether they behave in lessons .
14 We guarantee that all prize money is held by our bankers on deposit and will be paid to you the participant named overleaf , in the event of one of your exclusive Prize Draw code entries being the winning one .
15 But the widow of a vassal was commonly at the disposal of the vassal 's lord : so long as her consent was obtained ( by whatever means ) and so long as she was not disparaged , she could be married to whom the lord chose .
16 Now , arriving at his own manor of Kouklia , he recognised as if he had been bred to it the sound and smell and look of each component ; each piece of equipment .
17 Isolated in this small square well in the deck , they were exposed to anything the elements cared to throw at them .
18 ‘ Might there not be a case for putting the initial interview in the hands of an educational psychologist skilled in eliciting a history without being committed to what the social workers revealingly call ‘ disclosure ’ ? ' , he suggested .
19 If it were left to itself the House of Commons could produce independent members in a way that would make the King 's Government impossible since it could refuse to grant the money needed to carry out his will .
20 If the insured insists on the original invoice being returned to him the invoice should be noted and stamped to show that the GA have included this invoice as part of a claims settlement .
21 At noon on Sunday 18 November 1883 , all the public clocks in North America were changed to what the New York Herald called ‘ the new standard of time agreed upon … as an obvious convenience in all social and business matters ’ .
22 Her heart had been lost to him the first moment she had set eyes on him .
23 A NEW company has been set up to exploit an automatic bicycle transmission system , which is claimed to he the biggest breakthrough in bicycle gears since Derailleur invented his system in the 1920s ( New Scientist , 6 January , p 23 ) .
24 But calling something a science does not guarantee that its practitioners forthwith cease to be attracted to the same specious accounts of what it is to communicate to which the rest of us are attracted when we try to say what communicating is .
25 But he 's moaning to me the other week about you know , er and I bloody near said to him , well er , things have come back on you know , but I should of
26 He 's forgotten to mention , by some slip of the memory , the one fact about the pits which is known to everyone the impurity of the air breathed by the pitmen !
27 Erm we which is actually putting forward a budget which is responding to what the Policy Committee asks us to do .
28 Conservative Republicans like Maura and Alcalá Zamora , and even some individuals on the left , recognized the desirability of a modus vivendi between the Church and the Republic , and of the latter 's attracting to it the Catholic sectors of the urban middle class and peasantry .
29 It has not happened since the end of the Second World War , but before the 1987 election , when some commentators were predicting a hung parliament , much thought was given to what the Queen would do about forming a government if they turned out to be right .
30 It was explained to her the day they moved in . ’
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