Example sentences of "[be] [verb] it [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although tests had not been completed it seemed probable that the infection was contracted during surgery and a junior member of the surgical team had been identified as a carrier who began work at the hospital in last May .
2 Once the assumptions of the perfect market model are dropped it becomes clear that they have the capacity to safeguard these interests , manifested in a sluggishness of response , if not outright resistance , to changes in what consumers actually want , or might want if they were aware of the full range of possible alternatives .
3 However , on the basis of the limited data available , and in the areas that have been considered it seems probable that substantial and largely unrecognised costs have been incurred .
4 The golf course is no problem because you 're getting it done free of charge .
5 I am told it made wonderful television .
6 We have been running it to get democratic power to serve the people of this country , ’ said Kinnock , provoking the most spontaneous and emotional standing ovation seen in three weeks .
7 A question asked early in the interview may affect answers to subsequent questions , and if this order were to be altered it becomes difficult to detect the effect this might have on the replies .
8 Answer guide : Managers would be using it to plan future activity levels , order stocks , employ labour etc. whereas bankers are more interested in an overview of where the business is likely to go and perhaps also as a monitoring tool , although it is doubtful that such a level of sophistication is applied to the majority of enterprises .
9 I 'm stirring it to make sure it 's hot enough .
10 Well , yes , it can provide some need , but the simplest way in this country would be use it to provide domestic hot water .
11 He says his son became addicted to the drug , and many other soldiers were using it to get high .
12 As the votes were counted it became clear that the contest was the closest federal election for 30 years , with both sides claiming to have won a narrow victory .
13 When the votes were announced it became clear that by far the greater number of the new members were on the ‘ progressive ’ wing of the Church .
14 When a few have been handled it becomes noticeable how well they fit into the hand .
15 When the climb is completed it seems likely to enter the elite F8c+ club — about E10 .
16 If the CEMREL Research Project ( 1972 ) is any indication of what is expected it seems American teachers are looking for a child 's skill at ‘ showing ’ , and , in particular , ‘ showing ’ emotion .
17 But Lewis is shattered it proved impossible to agree terms with new champion Riddick Bowe , who on January 2 will be stripped of the WBC version .
18 Once a decision to adopt a stratified sampling scheme is made it becomes necessary to decide how the n units in the sample should be allocated to strata .
19 Once form is foregrounded it becomes impossible to speak of any other content except form itself .
20 When such a classification is employed it becomes obvious that the majority of work has been directed towards these tertiary activities .
21 Finally , AT&T Co is to use it connect local film and broadcast companies to its Telstar satellites and Accunet Digital Television Service .
22 ‘ The neural net records all details of a scene — body posture , words , tone of voice , movement — and when the scene is replayed it enhances certain features to make the record less ambiguous . ’
23 The trick apparently is to make it look ordinary without it actually being so .
24 All we 've done is to make it look nice inside with our furniture , our pictures and our paintings and so on . ’
25 During the year in which the final version was written it became clear that Raskolnikov must be freed absolutely from suicide and blanket boredom and ripostes like the one about family life which issue out from beneath that boredom .
26 Whichever method was used it meant long traffic holdups as the creatures went through the streets , their already frightened state heightened by a deal of cruelty on the part of many of the drovers .
27 But , privatization had not dramatically affected core areas of local government activity by the end of the 1980s , and in those areas where it was implemented it seemed unlikely significantly to undermine bureaucratic power .
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