Example sentences of "[be] [verb] be [conj] there " in BNC.

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1 One recommendation that has been made is that there should be a ‘ decade of retirement ’ , between the ages of 60 and 70 .
2 Erm I I get the impression from what you 're saying is that there is a distinct strategic view which should be taken about York and its role , which in a way would tend to limit the amount of housing development you should be putting in and around York .
3 What you 're saying is that there is actually a limit to how cold you can get .
4 ‘ All we have been told is that there will be a profit of £7,000-a-year but similar facilities in the North-East are running at a loss . ’
5 Thus when the theist says ‘ regularity in nature is evidence of God 's existence ’ , Ayer replies : ‘ All you are saying is that there 's regularity in nature ’ .
6 The point 's that I think is trying to be made is that there are a lot of people here tonight who do wish to express an opinion and that opinion is not necessarily formulated in question form .
7 Perhaps the most surprising discovery that can be made is that there were ‘ unopened station ’ .
8 What should be said is that there is still a most definite need for research in some neglected , technical areas , but more particularly in integrating the social and economic factors as they occur in a local situation .
9 ‘ What is yet to be demonstrated is that there is any substantial number of contemporary American artists who are themselves living in reduced circumstances while their work is simultaneously commanding high prices on the secondary market ’ , argued Stephen Weil , deputy director of the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington D.C. and a respected authority on art law .
10 What should be remembered is that there exist many things which are both good in themselves and good as an instrument or a means to something else .
11 But what I 'm saying is that there may only be one proof sense is what we as individuals derive from that proof .
12 Erm so what I 'm saying is that there is a partnership between the states and the federal government , there is no single fixed correct relationship between the central government and the state government , it changes from time to time er more and more of the cards are coming to the hands of the central government but you would , you would be wise not to underestimate the independence and the diversity of the American states which have a , a genuine er sense of , of local er democracy and difference er and states very frequently resist the federal government .
13 Yeah but in other words what I 'm saying is that there are diff
14 No they do n't get any standard valves , but what I 'm saying is if there 's a clear indication that the trend is away in future direc generations from standard valves to remote valves .
15 But all I 'm asking is if there is an urgent work system , and if that urgent work system is being abused whereby everybody is putting down
16 Therefore what we are recognizing is that there would be developments on these roads Mr chairman , I would ask in fact in their assessments of their traffic flows and the environmental impact , has any of that element been taken into account ?
17 The one point on which Mr Golyadkin and Double were agreed was that there is nobody like God , but it follows pat and false that if a man has nowhere to go God will look after him .
18 However , a DEC middle manager said last week that OSF/1 's life is not in jeopardy and that the real issue being debated is whether there 's a smarter way to do the engineering .
19 A reason cited as to why he was being released was that there are/were potential problems with renewing his work permit .
20 What Jesus is saying is that there is no need for marriage at the resurrection .
21 What she is saying is that there are hundreds of millions of people out there who can let life go by without trying to relate themselves to the big issues .
22 An and he 's taking up what might , we might want to or , or what could be portrayed as restorationist as being revolutionary where I , I 'm not sure that it fully was a revolution er a and I you see what Mao is saying is that there would have been a class basis for all of this , they were doing it as a class of peasant , they might not have been , they might have been doing it just for restorationist purposes .
23 The specific point that Nagel is making is that there is no way of justifying the conditions of choice in the original position except from the point of view of a certain conception of the good .
24 Another interesting idea that has been suggested is that there are extra terrestrials who are very intelligent .
25 I think the main reason it was guillotined is that there is a lot of unhappiness among Conservative MPs and among many people in the Conservative Party about the Government 's proposals .
26 My Lords , I I I do n't want to intervene in family quarrels , but er surely the point that the Noble Lord , Lord was making was that there is no section er two A i in in force a at at the present time .
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