Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Julian Hopkins , national director of international relief agency CARE , who travelled with the Mirror team , said : ‘ To see that huge amount of food lying idle in Mogadishu while thousands of babies and young children are starving to death is an outrage .
2 Driving for cash er well an indication of how strongly we , we 've been driving for cash is that er the reduction i in er operating cash flow is less than the reduction in profit .
3 The reason I am writing to Mamma is to show her that I know my duty and that I am with the deepest respect her devoted son . ’
4 One area of television where frequent reference has been made to homosexuality is in the arts programmes .
5 The extent to which God in all three persons of the trinity has simply been seen as male is well captured by the liturgy of The Alternative Service Book used in Anglican services of confirmation in Britain .
6 Why Letcombe should have been sentenced to death is as much a mystery now as it was then .
7 The material occurs in the Old World near Lake Baikal and traces have been noted in the Pamirs , but the only source known to have been exploited in antiquity is that visited by Marco Polo in Badakhshan , north-east Afghanistan ( fig. 25 ) .
8 or if you 're out early , well forms sign , so you might be a little while and if you 've got , oh we 're going to mum 's then are n't we ?
9 We need to remind children that what we 're doing in drama is pretending .
10 What they 're saying in effect is that they 're not going to entrust their latest toy to their closest ally because we 'd flog it to the first Russian we came across . ’
11 You 're saying in charge is sort of like , I am in charge which is like this .
12 Another TV cop who 's been accused of wife-beating is Larry Wilcox of Chips .
13 The material reviewed in this chapter indicates that the manner in which educational qualifications are used in employment is both highly variable and subject to a wide range of contingent factors located in labour market structures and processes .
14 The belief that these premises are founded on truth is essential to the conception of an understanding of the word ‘ god ’ that does not demand blind faith flying in the concept of the Created God accepts the truth of them without question .
15 the Chi the Chinese empire is , is actually growing but possibly in the sense that within Chinese territory marginal land that has n't previously been used for agriculture is being brought into use .
16 And the proposition that the Conservative benches are now occupied by men and women whose ambitions have been forged in industry is greatly exaggerated .
17 The range of topics which have been researched to date is broad , covering issues in assessment , staff development and appraisal and many others .
18 Well cos I think Phil and Lesley are going to grandma 's for Easter and they live in , and therefore it depe it depends what Aunty Dulcy 's doing .
19 The RSX 90 co-processors are interconnected via Encore 's patented Reflective Memory System .
20 The RSX 90 co-processors are interconnected via Encore 's patented Reflective Memory System .
21 LAST WEEK 'S announcement that a gigantic cloud of dark gas has been found in space is leading to speculation about an ‘ invisible mass ’ hidden within it .
22 Perhaps what they are doing at present is coming together on issues that are essentially unproblematic and secure whilst leaving the deep differences untouched .
23 It concluded that , ‘ The speed with which cases are brought to trial is in our view determined almost entirely by the volume of business and the resources available to deal with it . ’
24 The decision in Pickstone v. Freemans Plc. [ 1989 ] A.C. 66 which authorises the court to look at ministerial statements made in introducing regulations which could not be amended by Parliament is logically indistinguishable from such statements made in introducing a statutory provision which , though capable of amendment , was not in fact amended .
25 In short , the origin of ‘ civilisation ’ might well be traced to man 's dawning understanding that the ‘ joie de vivre ’ experienced in childhood was being lost to the individual as his life went on .
26 A unilateral right to require a dispute about the rent to be referred to arbitration is " an agreement to refer future disputes to arbitration " ( Arbitration Act 1950 , s27 ; Pitallis v Sherefettin [ 1986 ] QB 868 ) and the court has power to extend the time for service of a counternotice if undue hardship would otherwise result ( ibid ) .
27 To have ideas like this one taken seriously and to be treated with respect is surely a reasonable request .
28 Where , and only where , such court established under this Constitution as may be prescribed by law is satisfied that —
29 To be irritated by criticism is to acknowledge it was deserved .
30 For both judges and ordinary people will have come to see that the area that should be dominated by predictability is very large , and citizens will make their plans assuming that judges take that view and so will not often reverse settled legal practice .
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