Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They thought it normal for tea to come out of the fridge or the oven in a tinfoil box with a peel-back lid , although they did remember for weeks afterwards Lucy 's occasional cordon-bleu phases , when the house had been filled with heart-warming smells , and different kinds of food had appeared out of saucepans on top of the oven , and other dishes inside it .
2 The triangular market place was tightly packed with such properties and much of the original space had been filled with permanent buildings where once only stalls had been allowed .
3 Bonington 's adventures on Everest an Annapurna are interlarded with other events ; Fowler and Saunders on Spantik , and even a passing nod to Moffat and Edlinger .
4 More than 70 per cent of adult Albanians have been dismissed on ethnic grounds from jobs as various as toilet cleaners , museum curators and power plant directors .
5 And the pressures are probably much greater within the public sector , if only because of the difficulty of obtaining further employment in the public sector if one has been dismissed for disciplinary reasons .
6 On these occasions those temporary workers recruited were ex-employees — those who had been dismissed in recent downturns and who had been unable to find a new job .
7 In the 1980s , Rothenberg explored the human form , which had been dismissed by early minimalists as having no new means of expression .
8 The KPNLF , which has about 7,000 men , had until recently been dismissed by military analysts as a badly organised force more interested in black-market activities across the Thai-Cambodia border than military operations .
9 These can go a very long way to mollifying those individuals whose journeys are lengthened by traffic-affecting measures .
10 The woods in Coulby Newham , which have suffered from half a century of neglect , will be rejuvenated with help from three developers Wimpey , Yuill and McLean who are building on adjacent plots .
11 And though the protracted battles between Congress and the Bush administration which have been waged in recent years are unlikely , Clinton 's proposals could be changed significantly by Congress prior to enactment .
12 The ECM being essentially free and unregulated is governed by the principles of competition while most domestic money markets have been riddled with monopolistic elements and restrictive practices , e.g. credit ( loan ) allocation rules , which sought to secure a privileged position for certain vested parties such as government borrowers and domestic banks .
13 The Youth Training Scheme has , from its inception , been riddled with racist practices .
14 In the sample design programme , the effect on sampling errors of clustering the sample — usually in wards or polling districts — has been examined for different types of questions and for different population subgroups .
15 Many cultural historians have too readily appropriated literary writing as cultural documents , subduing the problems about what language actually represents which have been examined by other forms of theoretical inquiry , notably deconstruction .
16 But in all cases he has been stopped by diocesan authorities as the centres are outside his parish .
17 The Poles ' sole contribution to history has been to indulge in foolish pranks , at once valiant and provocative .
18 The victims are gathered for quick repairs before another round .
19 Interest in the subject having thus been aroused among learned men in western Asia , a scientific institute was eventually set up in Baghdad after the Muslim conquest of much of that region .
20 This arrangement might well have been satisfactory , with some accommodation between the two sides being not too difficult to achieve , but for the rancour that had been aroused in recent years .
21 In the Septizonium , an ancient Roman temple at the south-east corner of the Palatine , which had long since been annexed for other uses , safe from outside interference and imperial troops , for it was still possible for emperors to attempt to interfere with elections , the election commenced after each cardinal had celebrated mass and all of them had exchanged the kiss of peace .
22 The sentence of Poindexter 's former subordinate , Oliver North , had been overturned for similar reasons in July 1990 [ see p. 37605 ] , but the appellate panel now went further by refusing to allow Walsh to return to the trial judge and attempt to show that the trial testimony was not tainted , as had been permitted in North 's case .
23 And the substance of my apprehension is to be found in the formidable dossiers of attainment which have been catalogued in numerous obituaries over the past week .
24 At the same time more and more males are accumulating in all-male groups .
25 Britain 's role as Kingston described it could be called that of a peace-keeping force , and his stones of intrigue and skirmish are punctuated by anti-war sentiments .
26 A detailed helicopter EM survey has been flown over extensive areas of the Middle Dalradian ( MEG 253 ) .
27 Most cases are heard by part-time chairmen who must be solicitors , barristers or advocates of five years standing .
28 He was ultimately responsible for the emptying of the city , the forced labour in the countryside , the persecution of anyone judged to have been tainted by foreign influences , and the bloody purges of Khmer Rouge cadres suspected of being ‘ Vietnamese traitors ’ .
29 Lattice enthalpies determined through the Born-Haber cycle can be regarded as experimental values since the lattice enthalpies are calculated from experimental values .
30 For , while these theories pursued distinctive concerns , ideas drawn from each of them have been blended by political theorists to create an identifiable body of ideas with certain distinctive characteristics .
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